Sunday, December 24, 2017

Isolation of Israel & America : Rise of new political scenario

In recent voting 128 member countries of UN voted against American president Donald Trump's embassy move to Jerusalem. Transferring American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was Trump's promise during election campaign and a big reason behind his victory. By this promise Donald Trump gain huge support of strong Jewish lobby inside United States of America. Before Donald Trump many president candidates have contested election on this issue but after victory they do not pay attention to this matter. This include George Bush and Carter.
              Trump government is highly influenced by Jared Kushner the husband of Ivanka Trump. Jared Kushner is a good friend of Benjamin Netanyahu the Israeli PM and that's how Israel have a control over American administration never like before. Jewish bankers and businessmen are another key points for Israel to control America. Trump is a right wing extremist, white racist, anti Muslim and pro Zionism. This was a golden opportunity for Trump to gain sympathy from his voters and gain limelight among Anti Islamic westerns.
                   After huge efforts of Turkish president Reçep Tyyeb Erdogan and cooperation by international community, Palestine get a decisive victory over Israel in UN on 22 December 2017. 128 nations vote in the favor of Palestine and only 9 countries vote in favour of Israel. There was not any big country except America and Israel who vote for Israel. Tiny islands who are totally dependent on US they voted against Palestine, they are like Haiti, Vanuatu and Kiribati. World powers like China, Russia, India, UK, France and other all voted for Palestine. This was the first time when America was so much isolated. Its old allies voted against  its wish.
                              After voting in UN we can see anger among American govt officials and its right wing supporters. They are advising each other to kick out UN from America to Syria or North Korea. Many are saying to cut the aid and funds to this international organisation as it is going against American rights. This is totally dictatorial attitude American people that they don't accept decision of international community. Maximum nations support two states solution and East Jerusalem as capital of Palestine.
                              This voting in UN also indicate other rising trends in international politics. America of 2017 is not same as America of 1980. International scenario is changing. Russia is coming back for tough competition in economic and military field and China is already emerged as another pole of power in world. Europe is also going away from America and getting united as European Union. These all new countries and unions have not much powerful Jewish lobby as united states and after all these all are going to hurt Israel's rights. We can say that this is a new starting of a world without America as a superpower.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Story of Prophet Mohammad and an old Woman

One day Prophet Muhammad ‎ﷺ was going somewhere at noon and it was too hot in Makkah, when He ‎ﷺ saw an old woman carrying her luggage on her head. Prophet Muhammad ‎ﷺ helped her and took the luggage from the woman and carried it for her..
Prophet Muhammad ‎ﷺ asked the woman that where she was going and why? She said that I am leaving this town as I have heard that a magician named Muhammad ‎ﷺ is in town.
As Holy Prophet Muhammad ‎ﷺ was very patient and kind, He ‎ﷺ didn’t say a word and kept listening. The old lady kept complaining that why she was leaving the town.
In short the basic reason of her to leave the town was her misconception about Muhammad ‎ﷺ, who was walking beside her and she didn’t knew it.
While walking with the Holy Prophet ‎ﷺ, that old women noticed that this young man have a brightness on his smiling and humble face. And she also noticed that His sweat is perfumed. She was very impressed.
When they reached the destination, Muhammad ‎ﷺ put down the bag and was about to leave when the old woman said,”O, young man! At least tell me your name!”. Prophet Muhammad ‎ﷺ smiled and replied,”I am the person because of whom you left the town.” The old lady was amazed to listen that and said that such a kind, helping and well mannered person can never be wrong and therefore she also accepted teachings of Prophet ﷺ...