Saturday, March 31, 2018

Death of Humanity in Syria - Black Face of Imperialism

War in Syria is entered in its 8th year and we saw not any hope of its end in upcoming days.Suddenly rise of IS and then its fall on the hands of Iraqi forces, Kurdish peshmerga and FSA Rebels have happened in last days of 2017. Many people were looking for a solution after the fall of IS and its gained territory but instead of a solution conditions become worst there. Now Kurdish people are demanding a free state of 'Kurdistan' by breaking northern parts of Iraq and Syria which includes historical cities of Mosul and Kirkuk. Iraqi and Syrian governments have prepared for a more bloody war against YPG and PKK ( Kurdish armed groups) which are getting help and support from Israel and U.S. Now when Syrian is more weak then before, Israel is trying to get a chance to dominate the region. Saudi and Egyptian support to Israel have put Zionists at leisure. Israeli fighter jets are daily roaming in the airspace of Syria and Lebanon, this is enough to express the upcoming plan of Zionists. Zionist plan for Middle-East "The Greater Israel" is taking its shape slowly. Fall of a strong Syria was the dream of Zionists of Israel and U.S from decades. Despite of this all that was Erdogan led Turkish armed forces who make everything difficult for west and many other regional players. Turkey's attacks against highly armed Kurdish controlled enclave of Afrin and Manbij make time more hard for Kurdish forces which can be called boys of Israel and America. Because they were controlling the southern area of Turkey-Syria border so Turks see them as serious threat to future of Turkey's sovereignty. Turkey thinks that in a long run they will start a never ending struggle against Turkey if they get success in creation of Kurdistan. Due to this power struggle, More then a half million people are died and more then ten Million people are homeless. Whole region have become unstable and more pron to war. But what is most disgusting is that nobody is trying to stop this horror. Russia and America are killing people and even don't know that what are their goals in the region. turkey and Iran are trying to save their own boarders. Israel is planing to expand its territories. Use of Chemical weapons has been there. In this era of Imperialism, Expansionism and Neo-Colonialism we cannot hope for a peaceful future for Syrian people and region.