Monday, June 15, 2020

How Bollywood Cartels Killed Sushant Singh Rajput

In February Kamal R Khan also know as KRK tweeted that Yashraj, Balaji, KaranJohar, Dinesh Vijayan, Bhansali, T-Series have all boycotted Sushant Singh Rajput and he will have to do TV series or short films to make a living. What will a person do other than hang himself in depression if the whole world forsakes him. No one knew how a MOVIE MAFIA gang can boycott and kill a person.

Sushant was a billiant student, a physics olympiad winner a topper In Engineering entrance. He quit his engineering degree 
to become an actor and at age 34 
his dream of the acting was virtually dead. 

Karan Johar is a monster.
He is a viscous bully who will destroy anyone whom he doesn’t like. If you are a guest in his show, you have to laugh upon his crude childish tormenting jokes. You have to bear all his tyranny in the name of sissy humour or else he will witch-hunt you.

Karan Johar, Yash Raj, Bhansali and some more are all a gang a MAFIA. You can’t survive in bollywood without their blessings. It is such a shame that India’s top movie industry which makes 2nd highest number of movies in the world is controlled by half dozen nepotists. Shouldn’t Bollywood have been Ala melting-pot where anyone with talent, skills, hard work, dedication can succeed like in any other form of business?

Sushant Singh was virtually trolled, ragged and bullied. He was an intelligent, intellectual and well read man unlike these school dropouts like Karan Johar, Aalia and Kapoor family kids. Sushant Singh's Insta acc is full of stuffs like energy, cosmos, sanskrit shlokas, coding, algorithm and other interesting stuffs. He was a thinker. People like him rose from scratch and a potential threat to MAFIAS and cartels.

Karan Johar made him delete those tweets and insta messages. In every "Coffee with Karan" he made fun of him and all the guests always placed him last in all the polls. He made a pathetic movie called Drive on Netflix with Sushanth and virtually killed his career 
Since 2 years he was being oppressed as he had refused few movies by Yash Raj and chose to act in Shekar Kapoor’s PAANI Movie.

Rumours were spread with help of gossip writers in Bollywood that he is Debaunch, short tempered, arrogant, difficult to work with. He had no movies in his hand though his last movie CHICHOREE was a super hit. Most of his movies were given to Ranveer singh. Sushant got so desperate to please this group that he dropped his surname Rajput to please Bansali gang and faced the ire of nationalists.

He begged his fans on Instagram to watch his movie SONCHARIYA saying I have no God father in Bollywood and I will be out of job if you don’t watch my movie. Imagine how hard it might have been for him
He was handsome, his smile was charismatic, he was well read, intelligent and he was very good in acting Dept 
Still he didn’t make it as Bollywood nepotism and cartels kill talent.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Greatest Generals & Warriors in Islamic History

▪ Khalid Ibn Al-Waleed ◌ؓ

Born: 585 C.E. in Makkah 
Died: 642 C.E. In Homs

《Saifullah "Sword of Allah" and the companion of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ Khalid R.A. never lost a Battle he took part in. Commander of the Muslims in the Conquests of Greater Syria & Persia.》

▪Al-Qa'Qa' Ibn 'Amr at-Tamimi ◌ؓ

《 Played a pivotal role in the Conquest of Persia & Greater Syria. He is 1 man that is equal to 1,000 men. A companion of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. 》

▪Usaamah Ibn Zayd ◌ؓ

Born: 615 C.E. in Makkah 
Died: 674 C.E. 

《 At the age of 18, he was placed as a Commander of the Muslim Army by the Prophet S.A.W which consisted of the most senior prominent of the companions 》

▪️Hamzah Ibn Abdul-Muttalib ◌ؓ

Born: 570 C.E. in Makkah 
Died: 624 C.E. in Uhud 

《 The uncle & brother ( breast-fed together ) of the Prophet S.A.W. A Lion of Allah & one of the greatest fighters the Arabs birthed 》

▪️Qutayba Ibn Muslim 

Born: 669 C.E. in Basra
Died: 716 C.E. in Ferghana 

《 The great Arab Commander of the Ummayid Caliphate, he was a governor of Khurasan & consolidated Muslim rule & expanded the Caliphates borders to include Transoxiana 》

▪️Khawlah Bint al-Azwar ◌ؓ

Born: 7th Century
Died: Unknown 

《 She fought side by side with her brother in the battles that took place in Greater Syria against the Byzantines. Played a key pivotal role in decisive Battle of Yarmouk. She led a group of women into battle 》 

▪Muhammad Ibn Qasim ath-Thaqafi

Born: 695 C.E. In Ta'if 
Died: 715 in Shaam

《 At the age of 18, conquered the land of Sindh. Ushering the spread of Islam into the Sub-continent 》 

▪Tariq Ibn Ziyad 

《 The Commander who Conquered the Iberian Peninsula ( Spain ) from the Visigoths. The Strait of Gibraltar is named after him 》 

▪Muhammad Tughril Beg Ibn Mikail

Born: 990 C.E. 
Died: 1063 C.E. 

《 Tughril Beg was the Turkiç founder of the great Seljuq Empire. He united the Turkiç warriors of the Great Eurasian Steppes & led them in conquest. Made the Abbasids as  figureheads 》

▪Sultan Muhammad Ibn Dawud Alp Arslan

Born: 1030 C.E.
Died: 1072 C.E. 

《 The Sultan of the Great Seljuq State, he defeated the Byzantines in the Battle of Manzikert. Ushering in the settlement of Anatolia 》 

▪Nūr ad-Dīn Mahmud Zengī

Born: 1118 C.E.
Died: 1174 C.E. in Damascus

《 The Warrior & Ruler of the Greater Syrian Province of the Seljuq Empire , he was a thorn on the side of the Crusaders. He was the uncle of the great Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi 》 

▪Sultan Salahuddin Yusuf Ibn Ayyub

Born: 1137 C.E. in Tikrit 
Died: 1193 C.E. in Damascus

《 The Sultan who liberated the city of Jerusalem from the Crusaders & once again brought Palestine under Muslim rule 》 

▪Al-Muzaffar Saifuddin Qutuz 

Born: Unknown 
Died: 1260 C.E. in Salihiya

《 Stopped and defeated the Mongol forces and halted their expansion to the west in the decisive Battle of Ain Jalut 》

▪Al-Malik al-Zahir Rukn al-Din Baybars

Born: 1223 C.E. in Cumania 
Died: 1277 C.E. in Damascus 

《 Became the 4th Sultan of Egypt in the Mamluk Dynasty. Among the Commanders that inflicted defeat on the Seventh Crusade. Played a key pivotal role in the Battle of Ain Jalut 》

▪Ertuğrul Ghazi 

Born: Unknown 
Died: 1280 C.E. 

《 Laid the foundation of what is later to be known as the Ottoman Empire. A Bey of Principality 》 

▪Berke Khan 

Born: Unknown 
Died: 1266 C.E

《 The Khan of the Golden Horde, he was a thorn on the side of Hulagu Khan & the Ilkhanate. Established the first Islamic governance in a khanate of the Mongol Empire 》 

▪Amir Timur "Tamerlane"

Born: 1336 C.E. in Kesh
Died: 1405 C.E. in Otrar

《 Timur "The Conquerer" was the founder of the Timurid Empire in Persia and Central Asia. He emerged as the most Powerful Ruler after defeating the Mamluks of Egypt & Syria & the emerging Ottomans 》 

▪Sultan Mehmet Al-Fateh II 

Born: 1432 C.E. in Edirne 
Died: 1481 C.E. in Hünkârçayırı 

《 The Sultan who Conquered the City of Constantinople in 1453 C.E. at the age of 21. Some would say he fulfilled the prophecy of the Messenger of Allah S.A.W. 》 

▪Zahīr ud-Dīn Muhammad Babur 

Born: 1483 C.E. in Andijan
Died: 1530 C.E. in Agra

《 Defeated the Sultan of Delhi. Founded and established the great Mughal Empire. 》 

▪Sultan Sülayman Al-Kanuni "The Magnificent"

Born: 1494 C.E in Trabzon
Died: 1566 C.E. in Szigetvár

《 Under this Sultan's rule, the Ottoman fleet dominated the seas from the Mediterranean, Red Sea & through the Persian Gulf. Expanded more into Eastern Europe 》

▪Imam Ahmed Ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi

Born: 1506 C.E. in Zeila
Died: 1543 C.E. in Wayna Daga

《 The Somali Imam & Sultan of the Adal Sultanate who embarked on a Conquest which brought three-quarters of Abyssinia under Muslim rule 》 

▪Muhi-ud-Din Muhammad Aurengzeb

Born: 1618 C.E. in Dahor
Died: 1707 C.E. Ahmednagar

《 During this Mughal Ruler's reign, the Empire reached its greatest extent. Ruling over nearly all of the Indian subcontinent 》

▪Imam Shamil

Born: 1797 C.E. in Gimry
Died: 1871 C.E. in Al-Madinah 

《 The leader of the resistance against Imperial Russia & the 3rd Imam of Dagestan 》 

▪️Omar al-Mukhțār "The Lion of the Desert"

Born: 1858 C.E. in Zawiyat Zanzur
Died: 1931 In Benghazi

《 The Lion of the Desert, he led the resistance against the Italian colonization of Libya. A teacher turned general 》 

▪Muhammad Ibn 'Abd El-Karim El-Khattabi

Born: 1882 C.E. in Adjir 
Died: 1963 in Cairo 

《 He led a large-scale revolt of Berber- speaking Rif tribes against French & Spanish Colonization. Established the Republic of the Rif 》 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Role of Tipu Sultan in Defeating Nepoleon and the Composition of American National Anthem

NASA paid tribute to Tipu Sultan's contribution to Rocket Technology by hanging this painting of Tipu Sultan's Army fighting the British with Mysorean rockets (1780 Anglo Mysore War) on their main reception lobby at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility at Maryland (USA). Roddam a famous historian analyzed Tipu and Hyder Ali’s major contributions to rocketry. He noted that they used metal casing for the rockets, instead of the then prevalent bamboo and paper casings. Such metal rockets could travel up to 2 Kilometers, a huge increase in its range and had also greater carrying capacity. For the British too this Rocket science was new and Tipu Sultan thus became the sore enemy of the British. On the other hand Tipu strengthen his relations with the French. In order to support French’s national movement, he joined Jacobian club and planted a tree of liberty at his capital Seringapatam.


After Tipu’s defeat in the 4th Anglo Mysore War, the British carried away a large number of unused rockets to England, where William Congreve subjected them to a scientific study. Congreve then headed the Royal Laboratory at Woolwich Arsenal (the original home of the Arsenal Football Club). After long study and research Britishers successfully start making copies of Mysorian rockets. They named these rockets as "Congreve rockets." 33 years later, on Oct 1813, the British used these Congreve rockets against Napoleon's Army at the Battle of Leipzig.
In the War of 1812, Congreve rockets were used by the British in their attack on Baltimore, USA. Witnessing this attack was Francis Scott Key, who was inspired by the "rockets' red glare" & he penned the Star Spangled Banner, which became the official national anthem of USA. 

Rocket technology gained from Tipu Sultan helped the Britishers in defeating Napoleon and becoming rulers of the World. They controlled the Indian Ocean,the Opium Trade (which crippled China) and large territories in Africa. 

Friday, March 27, 2020

Arrival of Dajjal - Signs and Circumstances

Rasulullah ﷺ warned his ummah about many things but the fitnah of Dajjal was one about which he warned the Sihaba (Rizwan Ullah e Ajmaeen) with greatest sense of warning. Prophet ﷺ said that if the fitnah of Dajjal happened in my lifetime I'll face the Dajjal on the behalf of every Muslim but if he appeared after my departure then every Muslim will be responsible for him/herself and Allah will be their protector. These words are enough to indicate the severity of the Fitnah of Dajjal. There is a Hadith in Musnad Ahmad that Nabi ﷺ said: “The Dajjal will not appear until the people become negligent in talking about him and until the Imams abandon talking about him on the pulpits. [Musnad Ahmad, vol. 4 pg. 72, Majma’uz Zawaid, vol. 7 pg. 335. Also see: Al Isabah, vol. 5 pg. 254]. 

Signs of the Appearance of the Dajjal :

A lengthy hadith narrated by Ibn Majah, Ibn Khuzaimah, and ad-Dhiyaa’, attributed to Abu Umamah, reports that the Prophet of Allah ﷺ said : 

“There will be three hard years before the Dajjal (appears). During them, people will be stricken by a great famine. In the first year, Allah will command the sky to withhold a third of its rain, and the earth to withhold a third a third of its produce. In the second year, Allah will command the sky to withhold two thirds of its rain, and the earth to withhold two thirds of its produce. In the third year, Allah will command the sky to withhold all of its rain, and it will not rain a single drop of rain. He will command the earth to withhold all of its produce, and no plant will grow. All hoofed animals will perish, except that which Allah wills.” He (sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam) was asked, ‘What sustains people during that time?’ He said, “Tahlil, takbir and tahmid (Saying, la ilaha ill Allah, Allahu Akbar and al-hamdulillah). This will sustain them just as food does.” [Sahih Al-Jami` as-Saghir, no. 7875]

Abdullah bin Umar (radi tala anhu) narrated that the Messenger of ﷺ said,

“The fitnah of Al-Ahlas (continuous calamity) is mass desertion and war. Then, the fitnah of As-Sarraa [meaning ‘the rich’, when some reach people use their money to hire others to fight for them] will start from under the feet of a man who claims that he is of me (of my descendants). However, he is not of me, for my loyal friends are the ones who have taqwa. Afterwards, people will unite around a man whose reign is unstable. Then, the fitnah of Ad-Duhaymaa [it is called ‘dark and black fitnah’ because of its enormity] (will start) and will not leave any member of this nation without severely touching him. When it is thought that its time has come to an end, it will be lengthened. Meanwhile (during this fitnah), a man will wake up as a believer and will meet the night as a disbeliever, until people divide into two camps: A camp of belief that contains no hypocrisy, and a camp of hypocrisy that contains no belief. If this happens, then await the Dajjal on that day or the next.” [Ahmad, Abu Dawood and al-Hakim, Mishkatul-Masabih, vol. 4, no. 5403]

There are other signs to the imminent coming of the Dajjal : 

Mu`ath narrated that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said :

“The flourishing of Jerusalem will mark the desertion of Yathrib (Madinah). The desertion of Yathrib will mark the start of Al-Malhamah [the great war that will start between ar-Rum and the Muslim forces before Muslims conquer Constantinople for the second time]. The start of Al-Malhamah will mark the conquering of Constantinople. The conquering of Constantionple will mark the appearance of Dajjal.” [Sahih Al-Jami` as-Saghir, no. 4096]

The flourishing of Jerusalem will happen by the hands of Muslims, by the will of Allah, after it will be retrieved from the Jews.

The Holy Land will be the seat of the Caliphate. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to Ibn Hawalah : 

“O Ibn Hawalah! If you live to see the seat of the Caliphate of the Holy Land, then earthquakes, disasters and great calamities are imminent. Then, the Hour will be closer to people than this hand of mine to your head!” [Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak, vol. 4, p. 420, and he says, “Sahih”]

Then, Muslims will migrate to Ash-Sham to join the Jihad against the enemies of Allah from among the Jews and Christians. People of Madinah will desert it, not because they dislike it, but for the purpose of joining the Jihad for the sake of Allah. Then, it will be totally uninhibited, wild animals and beasts will roam through it, and it will stay deserted until the Hour begins.

The Destruction of Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal :

As was narrated in the Hadith by An-Nawwas bin Sam`an, the Dajjal will be killed at the hand of Jesus son of Mary.

The Dajjal’s death will occur after the angels turn him towards Ash-Sham away from the outskirts of Madinah. He will perish in Ash-Sham near the eastern door of Lud in Palestine, may Allah return it to the Muslim.

Before I start mentioning the second coming of Jesus son of Mary, we will mention the arrival of Al-Mehdi, Muhammad bin Abdillah.

Al-Mehdi will appear just before the coming of Jesus, alaihis salam. He will lead the Muslim nation with justice and kindness and establish Allah’s rule. A righteous Caliphate will reappear after the earth has experienced its share of injustice and tyranny. Jesus son of Mary will pray behind him. Among Al-Mahdi’s characteristics is that he will spend money on his subjects without counting it, along with many of his other righteous deeds that were mentioned in several correct hadiths.

Narrated by Muhammad bin Abi Aishah:
"I heard Abu Hurairah saying that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: 'When anyone of you finishes the last Tashahhud  (ٱلتَّحِيَّات‎), let him seek refuge with Allah from four things: From the torment of Hell, from the torment of the grave, from the trials of life and death, and from the Fitnah (tribulation) of Masihud-Dajjal.'   

Source - Hadith No: 909
From: Sunan Ibn Majah. Chapter 7, The Chapters of Establishing the Prayer and the Sunnah Regarding Them

This is first piece of writings which I have wrote about end times. In upcoming days I will write more about the this topic. This will include references from Hadith and ongoing circumstances which look like what was predicted by the Prophet ﷺ. Please give your feedback in comments regarding any problem with content or any suggestion for improvement. To connect with me you can follow me on twitter by clicking here.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Tweetsheet #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

If u have not courage to speak against the oppressors than at least support those who speak. #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

 Everyone can speak with their religion identity but when we Muslim speak with our identity they call us anti Nationalist, extremist, fundamentalist #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

 The only people who are mad at Imam for speaking against the oppression are those people who are living a lie.#ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

 Today when our Leaders don't want to stand and speak against the oppressors

Sharjeel stand and gave us solution i.e chakka jam. #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

Chakka jam is the art and Sharjeel imam is the Artist. #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

 The truth is bitter, prophets were fought and killed for the Haqq yet they remained firm. So do not fear the blame of the blamers and Keep speaking truth. #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

 This is not democracy it's hypocrisy,where criminals are free and innocent people are imprisoned. #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

Why is our country so intolerant when it comes to a vocal muslim? #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

Sharjeel Imam, a Muslim who’s worried about his community speaks out his mind. Shares ideas how to get attention to the brutality happening in Assam.


Indian RW call him a terrorist. Indian Liberals call him an extremist. Indian Muslims call him bigot. Gets arrested & everyone forgets about him.


If you disown Sharjeel Imam today, you will pay a same price tomorrow.


Sharjeel Imam 's only crime was that he wanted his muslim brethren to Educate, Agitate and Organize themselves.


Sharjeel Imam's only 'fault' is that he wanted Muslims to have a political say and that definitely is not a crime. Well, the silence around his witch hunt is definitely a crime. #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

Sharjeel Imam, a Muslim who’s worried about his community speaks out his mind. Shares ideas how to get attention to the brutality happening in Assam.


 Sharjeel is in jail. Because he asked for equality. He asked for the rights of the most repressed. He gave an idea to make government listen to the cry of people in Assam. He has not said anything seditious. He is  oppressed. #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately


You'll be disowned in the same way as you are disowning Sharjeel Imam today.


 People of India,

Isolate Sharjeel Imam today. Prepare yourselves to get isolated tomorrow, away from your privileges and comforts. In all honesty if we are choosing to be silent today. Then we deserve detention centers.


 "My brother is impractical who thinks of the society, of fellow humans and of his nation before himself." ~ Muzzammil Imam brother of sharjeel imam. #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately


 हिकमत में आपसे कहीं बढ़ कर इमाम है !!

दौर-ए-यज़ीद में तहे-ख़ंजर इमाम है !!


हैं दायरे पे नुक़्तए-साबित सभी अहम ;

लेकिन असासे-क़ौम का महवर इमाम है !!



ख़ुद को मिटा के दर्द-शनासी के शौक़ में ;

दरया से जा मिले जो समंदर इमाम है !!


ज़िक्रे-असा-ए-मूसवी जुज़ दम नहीं है कुछ  ;

ग़ाफ़िल फ़ुसूने-नौ से तिरा गर इमाम है !!


ए'लानिया ख़ुदा को जो वाहिद न कह सके  ;

फिर तो मज़ारे-दीं का मुजावर इमाम है !!


हुज्जत है इसपे शरहे-उलिल-अम्र आख़िरी ;

ख़ाइन नहीं तो बा'दे-पयम्बर इमाम है !! 


बातों में बात इक कही उसने न वज़्न में ;

बे-नक़्स पर कहाँ पे मयस्सर इमाम है !!


क़ायम जो अपने क़ौल पे ज़िन्दान में रहे  ;

है मुत्मइन फ़राज़ वह हक़ पर इमाम है !!


Modi, Shah 'forget that Gandhi’s first Satyagraha was against citizenship law of South Africa.


Some people speak politics for personal benefits and others do it because they have not the option of staying silent. Indian Muslims who are protesting against NRC and CAA belongs to the second category. 


The way in which this regime is suppressing the Muslims is brutal but not new. Muslims of India have thwarted the Mangol invasion and carried out the revolution of 1857. We are hard people, we'll never let you be successful in your plans. 


Sharjeel Imam or any other Muslim youth who claim his identity and place in the Indian society is worst nightmare of Hindutva fascists as well as upper caste Hindu liberals. 


Its a tough time for the Muslims of India but its more tough time for the Hindus who claim to be liberal, democratic and secular. They have to choose the sides that are they for the Hindu Rashtra or Republic of India. 


Muslims from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and beyond reached Levant and finished ISIS and their pseudo Caliphate. On other hand Hindus elected their terrorists to the power and defended them at every level. 


Every society have extremists and terrorist. Its up to the majority of that community to punish them of surrender to them. Jews, Muslims, and Christians punished their terrorists but Hindus elected them to the power. This is so much unfortunate. 


A Muslim man speaking for his identity and people is the nightmare for the Indian liberals. This is the reason why Hindu liberals were more vocal against the Sharjeel rather than Hindutva fascists. 


भाजपा के नेताओं ने भड़काऊ भाषण दिए और उसके नतीजे में शाँतिपूर्ण प्रदर्शनकारियों पर आतंकियों ने गोलाबारी शुरू कर दी। अभी तक एक भी भाजपा नेता पर केस दर्ज नहीं हुआ है। शरजील के तो एक तोड़ मरोड़ कर पेश किए गए ब्यान पर ही उसे गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया। 


Its so much easy for the system to harass, arrest and even to kill anyone who have Urdu name. Government already want to kill them and opposition will not speak for them due to the loss of vote bank. #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

Anti CAA-NRC protests are giving a new to the India. Muslims who were voting for INC, BSP and AAP suddenly realized that they need their own leadership because liberals nothing but the B team of Hindutva fascists. #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

When Sharjeel got arrested I suddenly got reminded the day when a doctored video about JNU was running over TV channels and people were more angry over Umar Khalid than any other person alleged in that event. Same is the case about Sharjeel. #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

Media trial, propaganda and witch Hunt are what an arrested Muslim get instead of justice. Same media houses and system make people to hate AMU, JMI and JNU. Same forces are trying to present Sharjeel as the bad guy. #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

Peaceful "chakka jam" and protestes don't fall under the category of sedition. If it's so, this country is in very wrong hands. #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

If someone needs to be arrested for inciting violence, it’s BJP MP Anurag Thakur, whose exhortation to supporters at a rally to chant ‘shoot the traitors’ was succeeded by the firing and not Sharjeel Imam, whose comments didn't created any problem anywhere. 


Call for roadblock is not Treason.


Crime branch ,put your energy on those who are providing arms to terrorists in Delhi in the  going daily terror attacks in delhi ,

Ban Bajrang dal who claims responsibility ban parent organisation RSS  , target terrorists not scholars .


 IITian research Scholar in jail ,

Terror chargesheeted are in parliament through bail.


Muslim lives equally matter.


first time someone tried to raise the voice of the most suppressed society in the country with its identity, and tried to build confidence in that society.


The 5 BJP-ruled states of the country are accused of treason on scholars like Sharjil Imam only because he has talked about blocking the road, and yet also claim that the country is free and Democratic,


There is a bigger similarity betweet Sharjeel Imam and Malcolm X. Both love their true identity which is hated by the oppressors of majority community. I see a revolutionary in Sharjeel. 


IITian research Scholar in jail ,

Terror chargesheeted are in parliament through bail.


Muslim lives equally matter.


Call for roadblock is not Treason :


First time someone tried to raise the voice of the most suppressed society in the country with its identity, and tried to build confidence in that society.


Sharjeel is not treasonist, he is rebellion


Respect my existence or expect my resistance - sharjeel.#ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

Sharjeel is our true hero


Sharjeel is brave voice of the oppressed Indian people. 


Sharjeel imam just gave a speech and in tht he was asking fr a chakka jaam.

But media spinned doctored Story abt his speech tht he is asking to break India...

U may disagree with his few points in his 1hr 10 min speech but tht doesnt mean u charge him with sedition.


The liberals’ hesitation to defend Sharjeel is due to their hate for the Muslim identity and their independent existence. #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

Threatening to block roads going to Assam is not enough to merit the sedition charge. #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

The government, which has cut Kashmir from India for the last 5 months, also puts a case of treason on the statement of cutting Assam from India,


Sharjeel  bahi have been arrested from Bihar and those chanted "Desh ke gaddaron ko goli maaro saalon ko " are roaming freely. RIP Democracy 


India need humanistic voice like Sharjeel , who dares to save both Hindus and muslim from torture .

A Demon can only justfy aborting  pregnent woman in detention center in Asam .

We need  humane ,just and merciful India not cruel one .

killing of child even before  is dibolic.

Love Asam ,Save Asam .Love All.


Muslims are no less human .


Punish those who are making open call to shoot  masses .This is terror and anti national activity.

Feeling mercy on the plight of Asamese is humanity not Deshdroh .


Make India humanistic and merciful . Only  Rakshas can justify putting infants in Detention center till death  on no fault of them in Asam .

Stop demonising merciful  voices like Sharjeel. 


Stop media trial.

If media is court then why to waste money on hiring judges.

Ban agenda based media.Fix punishment on wrong falsification .


Delhi police unfold your arm when shooting happens under your nose. Act on terror not on scholars ,brighhtful minds .


Fix responsibility on media. Punish agenda base media .  After 20 years in jail muslim youth come out innocent , we need to punish media and wrong doers officers on ruining innocent lives.

Stop villifying  those who stand for equality . Who risk their lives for the cause of justice.


 Islamophobia is a crime .


Include safeguard like for SC-ST in constitution , bring similar act for Muslim .

Punish islamophobics with  similar acts. 

Save nation from communal hatred.


Watch full vidio of Sharjeel.No cut paste please.

Sharjeel says if muslims  are saved then they would save nation.

How is this anti national?

Shame on those who make the  call to block the road as separation due to vested interest.


Muslims are no less citizen.

Muslim voices matters .

Revoke CAA ,Withdraw NPR.


Fascism can't oppressed to citizens 

लाज़िम है कि हम भी देखेंगे. #ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

शरजील ने कहा था मुसलमान बच जाएगा तो देश भी बच जाएगा

जो आदमी देश बचाने की बात कर रहा हो वो कैसे देश तोड़ने की बात कर सकता है#ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

India needs Discussion with Sharjeel to remove it's  shotcomings ,not  the suppression .#ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

Respect dissent ,improve health of nation#ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

Value humanistic voices like Sharjeel's ,because every individual trapped in the Asam due to lack of documents  are equally human ,even the 5 lac muslims. Treat every body equally ,remove CAA.#ReleaseSharjeelImmediately

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Tweetsheet #FreeSharjeel 11:00 AM

A Muslim man speaking for his identity and people is the nightmare for the Indian liberals. This is the reason why Hindu liberals were more vocal against the Sharjeel rather than Hindutva fascists. #FreeSharjeel 

भाजपा के नेताओं ने भड़काऊ भाषण दिए और उसके नतीजे में शाँतिपूर्ण प्रदर्शनकारियों पर आतंकियों ने गोलाबारी शुरू कर दी। अभी तक एक भी भाजपा नेता पर केस दर्ज नहीं हुआ है। शरजील के तो एक तोड़ मरोड़ कर पेश किए गए ब्यान पर ही उसे गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया। 

Its so much easy for the system to harass, arrest and even to kill anyone who have Urdu name. Government already want to kill them and opposition will not speak for them due to the loss of vote bank. #FreeSharjeel 

Anti CAA-NRC protests are giving a new to the India. Muslims who were voting for INC, BSP and AAP suddenly realized that they need their own leadership because liberals nothing but the B team of Hindutva fascists. #FreeSharjeel 

When Sharjeel got arrested I suddenly got reminded the day when a doctored video about JNU was running over TV channels and people were more angry over Umar Khalid than any other person alleged in that event. Same is the case about Sharjeel. #FreeSharjeel 

Media trial, propaganda and witch Hunt are what an arrested Muslim get instead of justice. Same media houses and system make people to hate AMU, JMI and JNU. Same forces are trying to present Sharjeel as the bad guy. #FreeSharjeel 

Peaceful "chakka jam" and protestes don't fall under the category of sedition. If it's so, this country is in very wrong hands. #FreeSharjeel 

If someone needs to be arrested for inciting violence, it’s BJP MP Anurag Thakur, whose exhortation to supporters at a rally to chant ‘shoot the traitors’ was succeeded by the firing and not Sharjeel Imam, whose comments didn't created any problem anywhere. #FreeSharjeel

Call for roadblock is not Treason :

Crime branch ,put your energy on those who are providing arms to terrorists in Delhi in the  going daily terror attacks in delhi ,
Ban Bajrang dal who claims respoinsbility ban parent organisation RSS  , target terrorists not scholars .

 IITian research Scholar in jail ,
Terror chargesheeted are in parliament through bail.

Muslim lives equally matter.

first time someone tried to raise the voice of the most suppressed society in the country with its identity, and tried to build confidence in that society.

The 5 BJP-ruled states of the country are accused of treason on scholars like Sharjil Imam only because he has talked about blocking the road, and yet also claim that the country is free and Democratic,

There is a bigger similarity betweet Sharjeel Imam and Malcolm X. Both love their true identity which is hated by the oppressors of majority community. I see a revolutionary in Sharjeel. #FreeSharjeel 

IITian research Scholar in jail ,
Terror chargesheeted are in parliament through bail.

Muslim lives equally matter.

Call for roadblock is not Treason :

Crime branch ,put your energy on those who are providing arms to terrorists in Delhi in the  going daily terror attacks in delhi ,
Ban Bajrang dal who claims respoinsbility ban parent organisation RSS  , target terrorists not scholars .

First time someone tried to raise the voice of the most suppressed society in the country with its identity, and tried to build confidence in that society.

Sharjeel is not treasonist, he is rebellion

Respect my existence or expect my resistance - sharjeel #FreeSharjeel

Sharjeel is our true hero

Sharjeel is brave soldier 

Sharjeel imam just gave a speech and in tht he was asking fr a chakka jaam.
But media spinned doctored Story abt his speech tht he is asking to break India...
U may disagree with his few points in his 1hr 10 min speech but tht doesnt mean u charge him with sedition.

The liberals’ hesitation to defend Sharjeel is due to their hate for the Muslim identity and their independent existence. #FreeSharjeel 

Threatening to block roads going to Assam is not enough to merit the sedition charge. #FreeSharjeel 

The government, which has cut Kashmir from India for the last 5 months, also puts a case of treason on the statement of cutting Assam from India,

Sharjeel  bahi have been arrested from Bihar and those chanted "Desh ke gaddaron ko goli maaro saalon ko " are roaming freely. RIP Democracy 

India need humanistic voice like Sharjeel , who dares to save both Hindus and muslim from torture .
A Demon can only justfy aborting  pregnent woman in detention center in Asam .
We need  humane ,just and merciful India not cruel one .
killing of child even before  is dibolic.
Love Asam ,Save Asam .Love All.

Muslims are no less human .

Punish those who are making open call to shoot  masses .This is terror and anti national activity.
Feeling mercy on the plight of Asamese is humanity not Deshdroh .

Make India humanistic and merciful . Only  Rakshas can justify putting infants in Detention center till death  on no fault of them in Asam .
Stop demonising merciful  voices like Sharjeel. 

Stop media trial.
If media is court then why to waste money on hiring judges.
Ban agenda based media.Fix punishment on wrong falsification .

Delhi police unfold your arm when shooting happens under your nose. Act on terror not on scholars ,brighhtful minds .

Fix responsibility on media. Punish agenda base media .  After 20 years in jail muslim youth come out innocent , we need to punish media and wrong doers officers on ruining innocent lives.
Stop villifying  those who stand  for equality . Who risk their lives for the cause of justice.

 Islamophobia is a crime .

Include safeguard like for SC-ST in constitution , bring similar act for Muslim .
Punish islamophobics with  similar acts. 
Save nation from communal hatred.

Watch full vidio of Sharjeel.No cut paste please.
Sharjeel says if muslims  are saved then they would save nation.
How is this anti national?
Shame on those who make the  call to block the road as separation due to vested interest.

Muslims are no less citizen.
Muslim voices matters .
Revoke CAA ,Withdraw NPR.

Fascism can't oppressed to citizens 
लाज़िम है कि हम भी देखेंगे.

शरजील ने कहा था मुसलमान बच जाएगा तो देश भी बच जाएगा
जो आदमी देश बचाने की बात कर रहा हो वो कैसे देश तोड़ने की बात कर सकता है

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Coronavirus - Symptoms and Diagnosis

A newly detected virus named Coronavirus have appeared in Chinese city of Wuhan which have claimed more than 43 lives worldwide till now. It have infected hundreds of Chinese citizens with a pneumonia-like illness, according to China's National Health Commission. This virus arrived in United States and Europe this week. The bulk are in China, with a handful of cases confirmed in Thailand, Japan, South Korea and the US, where a man is his 30s in Washington state and a woman in 70s has been confirmed to have the disease. Further spread was confirmed on this friday when Australia announced its first confirmed case and France announced three confirmed cases.

Here is the breakdown as it stands : 
  • China: 923 confirmed cases
  • Thailand: 5 confirmed cases 
  • Singapore: 3 confirmed cases
  • France: 3 confirmed cases
  • Vietnam: 2 confirmed cases 
  • Japan: 2 confirmed cases
  • South Korea: 2 confirmed cases
  • US: 2 confirmed cases
  • Australia: 1 confirmed case

Wuhan the epicenter of this virus has been shut downed  to reduce the spread of the virus, canceling transportation leaving the city starting at 10 a.m. Thursday. The travel restrictions were extended to four other cities (Huanggang, Ezhou, Chibi and Zhijiang) later that day, and constraints were announced in nine more cities on Friday -- impacting more than 35 million people. 

The restrictions come during a busy travel period for China, when citizens typically travel for the Lunar New Year. Major public events Chinese capital Beijing have been canceled, and both Beijing's Forbidden city and Shanghai's Disneyland said they'd close from Saturday. All of the restrictions and closures will last indefinitely.

The symptoms of most coronaviruses are similar to any other upper respiratory infection, including runny nose, coughing, sore throat, common cold and sometimes a fever. In most cases, you won't know whether you have a coronavirus or a different cold-causing virus. 

You could get lab tests, including nose and throat cultures and blood testes, to find out whether your cold was caused by a coronavirus, but there's no reason to. The test results wouldn't change how you treat your symptoms, which typically go away in a few days.

But if a coronavirus infection spreads to the lower respiratory tract (your windpipe and your lungs), it can cause pneumonia, especially in older people, people with heart disease, or people with weakened immune systems.

Till now not a single case is confirmed in India, Pakistan or Bangladesh. In south Asia Nepal is the only country where coronovirus have appeared. In the case of the appearance of above mentioned symptoms, you should immediately contact local medical authorities and handle this deadly disease more than seriously. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Reviving an Islamic Tradition : Story from Turkey

"Spread wheat on the tops of mountains so it cannot be said that a bird went hungry in the land of the Muslims."

~ Hazrat Umar bin Abdulaziz رضي الله عنه

This is a very old Islamic tradition, still alive in parts of Turkey.

When a white blanket of snow covers everything - people go to the tops of mountains peaks and scatter seeds and food for the birds through the snowing season so as not to let the birds die of starvation. 

This deed was started by the Muslim Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz.

A beautiful story to read for everyone

A father before he died said to his son:
“This is a watch your grandfather gave and this is more than 200 years old, but before I give it to you go to the watch shop on the first street, and tell him I want to sell it, and see how much it is”.
The son went to the watch shop and then came back to his father, and said, “the watchmaker said he'll pay 5 dollars because it's old”.
The father said : “Go to the coffee shop”.
The son went to the coffee shop and then came back to his father, and said : “The coffeemaker said he'll pay $5”.
The father said : “Go to the museum and show that watch”.
The son went to the museum and then came back, and said to his father : “They offered me a million dollars for this piece”.
The father said : “I wanted to let you know that the right place values your value in the right way. Don't put yourself in the wrong place and get angry if they don't value you.
Who knows your value is who appreciates you, don't stay in a place that doesn't suit you”.
Know your worth!

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Indian Muslims are Not Dead : They Proved It Successfully

Muslims of India are supposed to prove their citizenship in upcoming years but they have already proved that they are the people with alive consciousness and they'll not let the fascist regime to do whatever they want and get away with it. Modi-Shah were hoping that Muslims will don't utter a single word against their decision as they had already not responded for Babri masjid, triple-talak and such other unconstitutional verdicts. Muslims in India usually protest more often than not but questioning the citizenship of a big part of population who have strong roots in this country seems to be provocating. Regime's efforts to make Muslims stateless and second class citizens are seen as red line by the majority of Muslims. 
From the day one all puppets of modi-Shah are repeating a big lie e.g. - "NRC and CAA have nothing to do with the Muslims of India." This includes the top brass of Indian Muslim society and notable public figures from throughout the country. Students of Jamia and the people of Delhi rejected Maulana Mahmood Madni and Imam Bukhari respectively. This shows that people are not ready to got cheated by these so called big faces inside the community. Now its crystal clear that either it is NRC, CAA or NPR, all of these schemes have to do everything with the Muslims of India. These are full fledged plans to make Muslims stateless. Even if Modi-Shah and other leaders in ruling government don't accept this, WhatsApp and Facebook groups of BJP IT cell, hindutva fascists or even common Hindus say the same. WhatsApp forwards of making Muslim population half without any bloodshed are circulating and at the end this is for what radicalized Hindu population have voted for Modi. People who are protesting against these black laws are those who believe in constitution and idea of India. Supporters are those who hate one sect of population and want to make India a religion based country, the idea which was rejected back in 1947. 
                        I saw a lot of Liberals (including Shahi Tharoor) opposing the use of Islamic slogans at protest sites saying that this struggle is for India and not for the Islam or Muslim. This claim shows the ideological emptiness of Indian liberals. Muslims are standing at the door of genocide due to their religious identity. From recently highlighted mob lynching to the never ending anti-Muslim riots supported by police and authorities, Muslims are facing all this due to their identity and religion. I don't know how anyone who is protesting against this can have so much problems with Muslim identity. Either these pseudo liberals are absent minded or they are fascists undercover. A sane person cannot play so much double role. Too much Muslims coming out and speaking for themselves is a scene which scares Indian liberals. They are asking the Muslims to make their protests less Muslim looking because they want to hijack the whole resistance movement for their political gain. All they want is to take the Muslim votes, claiming to be the representative of the Muslims and do more to marginalize the already backward Muslims. Indian liberals are doing this since 1947 individually and vis political parties. 

            Muslims organized huge protests and gatherings against NRC-CAA but Congress party and its top leadership didn't appeared on the ground at the heat of moment. Neither Rahul Gandhi nor Sonia organized a single protest on the ground. A lot of congress leaders were celebrating the verdict against Babri Masjid but none of them opposed NRC-CAA. Congress was already known as Hindutva enabler but nowadays it is supporting much more radical "militant Hindutva." This is enough to understand that why congress leaders like Shshi Tharoor are worried by the use of basic Islamic slogans during protests. 

At the starting of new year 2020 Muslims in India are matching on the roads demanding Equal rights and restorie their citizenship. This is for the first time Muslims came out in bulk and show their concern to not only home country but to all of the world. Foreign media is doing much more sensitive and needed coverage of resistance struggle as compare to the Indian media. Muslims are out with little support from Hindus and this shows that Muslims don't need anyone to speak for themselves. Other reasons why these protests are vibrant is the participation of Muslim women in them. From the day one Muslim women are leading the struggle. These are the same women who were portrayed as "helpless Muslim women" who need the help from Modi for their rise up. Powerful images of girls appeared from Jamia and AMU where girl students countered the barbarian Police. Women from all major cities registered their notable presence. I'm mentioning this specially because this trait of the Muslim society have very higher significance in the terms of India. When Hindu women are struggling to get inside Sabrimala and badly lacking justice for dowery related domestic violence, Muslim women are filling the leadership vacuum in their community. This fact busted the long repeated deceptive lie that Muslim women are very much oppressed. 

All propaganda of Hindutava fascists have shattered after these popular agitations against their regime. Muslims were getting killed and persecuted since 47 but all governments of India managed to export its secularist image worldwide. These apartheid based laws have badly exposed the majoritarian and authoritarian nature of Imdia. Almost every single media channel in India is owned by pro Hindutva bourgeois and they have done everything possible to dehumanize Muslims. The psyche of  Indian society has been damaged beyond repair. Muslims of India have just started their struggles for the end of undeclared apartheid against them. Education, gender equality and progressiv attitude can make them successful if they focus on these sectors within their society.