Sunday, December 25, 2016

Iranian Imperialism In Middle East

Iran is emerged as latest imperialist player in politics of Islamic world. Iran's greed for influence and power in various Muslim countries have created a chaos in middle east. Iran's tussle with Saudi Arabia and as a representative of Shia world have created a dangerous situation.
                                  This is sure that Iran is trying to take over on holy shrines of Makkah and Madina and for making this possible Iran can cross any boundary. Iran is a heavily militarized country as compare to any other country of middle east. It have a working force of 5,30,000 and reserved armed forces of 18,50,000. Iran's missile system is also very much advanced and its many missiles are developed by Russia. A strong navy and air force can help Iran to take over on all Gulf states easily.
                               As compare to Saudi Arabia, Iran have a very aggressive policy towards its all opponents including Afghanistan and Turkey. In also seems true that Iran have hidden ties with Israel.
             Iran is directly involved in Yemen and Syrian wars. Syrian regime forces and Yemenite Houthi rebels are funded by Iran. Some sources have claimed that Iran have also developed Nuclear bombs and he can threat Saudi Arabia at any time. Iran's interests in greater middle east are only for creating disturbances in Sunni countries. For this he is using Shia minorities.
                 1979s revolution was the starting of Iranian imperialism. Iran adopt an Anti Saudi policy and starts funding terrorist outfits like Hezbollah and Mahdi Army of Iraq.
                     During previous years Iran strongly allied himself with Russia and starts playing as Russian agent in region. Russia is also helping Iran from every aspect.
                     Iran's policies for Saudi Arabia and other Arab states are dangerous. Iran have to pay attention on its own matters instead of destabilizing Sunni countries. Coexistence is the method of peace.

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