Before going further let me tell you that this is not America's withdrawal from deal but violation of Iran nuclear deal. Niw we have to know that was the meaning of this deal for America. From initial days of deal, right wing white extremists were opposing this deal, specially Pro Israel Zionists. Now when Donald Trump, a puppet of Zionists is the president of America, it is easy for them to fulfill their all the wishes. Trump has polarized the American society on the name of religion and his party is responsible for the rise of religious extremism and Islamophobia in United States.
Here we have to know the real intentions of present regime of US. When Trump was elected as president of the US, the first country he chooses for foreign visit was Saudi Arabia. After returning from Saudi Arabia, he imposes ban on five Muslim countries. It is clear that he do it all on suggestions from Saudi Arabia and Mohammad Bin Salman. He imposes ban on five country which he himself don't like but countries including Saudi Arabia who have a bad name in exporting extremism to other countries are out of this ban. Trump is working in the influence of Saudi Arabia and Israel and that is why he is not happy with Iran.
Now we have to check that what will be impact of this ban on Iran and what is the attitude of people of Iran and Iranian government on this. Iran was preparing for this ban when Trump was spreading hatred during his election campaign. Iranian agencies withdraw their maximum amount of money in American banks and now they are facing less economic losses. China and India are biggest trade partners of Ifan and bith have refused to accept any Non - UN ban on Iran, so Iran will face a little problem. On other hand to change the status quo, Russia & China will provide unconditional support Iran. China is committed to minimize the US influence in the region and this can be prove an opportunity for Iran.
In a time when American economy is at down and America is trapped in Afghanistan, US will not prefer to go to a new war. Iran will either not like the conflict as they are already indulged in a never ending war in Syria. Iran is less worried this time because conditions are in their fever. American plan for Syria is failed and Assad is still in power their so this is a motivational achievement for Iran. On other hand Russian support to Iran is main reason behind his fearlessness. Putin is as blunt as his words and he is not afraid of anyone.
According to some diplomats, Iran have already development 4 - 10 nuclear weapons and this is the reason why Israel & Saudi Arabia are compelling US to start a war on Iran. If this claim is true, then conditions are out of the hands of everyone and Iranian regime is in strong position more then never before. Iranian assets in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and in entire region are possessing threat to so called Zionist supremacy in region. Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syrian Arab army are trying hard to remove any serious threat from Israel. If they get success in countering Israel, entire Arab world cannot face them in a full scale conflict.
Now time will tell that how much effective these sanctions will be but America is presented as a unreliable nation by Trump regime by violating Iran nuclear deal. This is a time when his European allies are not with him and entire world is criticizing them for their irresponsible behavior
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
America's Violation of Iran Nuclear Deal : What It Means
Saturday, May 12, 2018
ज़रूर पढ़ें । कामयाबी का पैमाना।
पिता बेटे को डॉक्टर बनाना चाहता था।
बेटा इतना मेधावी नहीं था कि NEET क्लियर कर लेता।
इसलिए दलालों से MBBS की सीट खरीदने का जुगाड़ किया ।
ज़मीन, जायदाद, ज़ेवर सब गिरवी रख के 35 लाख रूपये दलालों को दिए, लेकिन अफसोस वहाँ धोखा हो गया।
अब क्या करें...?
लड़के को तो डॉक्टर बनाना है कैसे भी...!!
फिर किसी तरह विदेश में लड़के का एडमीशन कराया गया, वहाँ लड़का चल नहीं पाया।
फेल होने लगा..
डिप्रेशन में रहने लगा।
रक्षाबंधन पर घर आया और घर में ही फांसी लगा ली।
सारे अरमान धराशायी.... रेत के महल की तरह ढह गए....
20 दिन बाद माँ-बाप और बहन ने भी कीटनाशक खा कर आत्म-हत्या कर ली।
अपने बेटे को डॉक्टर बनाने की झूठी महत्वाकांक्षा ने पूरा परिवार लील लिया।
माँ बाप अपने सपने, अपनी महत्वाकांक्षा अपने बच्चों से पूरी करना चाहते हैं ...
मैंने देखा कि कुछ माँ बाप अपने बच्चों को Topper बनाने के लिए इतना ज़्यादा अनर्गल दबाव डालते हैं
कि बच्चे का स्वाभाविक विकास ही रुक जाता है।
आधुनिक स्कूली शिक्षा बच्चे की Evaluation और Gradening ऐसे करती है, जैसे सेब के बाग़ में सेब की खेती की जाती है।
पूरे देश के करोड़ों बच्चों को एक ही Syllabus पढ़ाया जा रहा है ..
For Example -
जंगल में सभी पशुओं को एकत्र कर सबका इम्तिहान लिया जा रहा है और पेड़ पर चढ़ने की क्षमता देख कर Rank निकाली जा रही है।
यह शिक्षा व्यवस्था, ये भूल जाती है कि इस प्रश्नपत्र में तो बेचारा हाथी का बच्चा फेल हो जाएगा और बन्दर First आ जाएगा।
अब पूरे जंगल में ये बात फैल गयी कि कामयाब वो है जो झट से पेड़ पर चढ़ जाए।
बाकी सबका जीवन व्यर्थ है।
इसलिए उन सब जानवरों के, जिनके बच्चे कूद के झटपट पेड़ पर न चढ़ पाए, उनके लिए कोचिंग Institute खुल गए, वहां पर बच्चों को पेड़ पर चढ़ना सिखाया जाता है।
चल पड़े हाथी, जिराफ, शेर और सांड़, भैंसे और समंदर की सब मछलियाँ चल पड़ीं अपने बच्चों के साथ, Coaching institute की ओर ........
हमारा बिटवा भी पेड़ पर चढ़ेगा और हमारा नाम रोशन करेगा।
हाथी के घर लड़का हुआ .......
तो उसने उसे गोद में ले के कहा- "हमरी जिन्दगी का एक ही मक़सद है कि हमार बेटा पेड़ पर चढ़ेगा।"
और जब बच्चा पेड़ पर नहीं चढ़ पाया, तो हाथी ने सपरिवार ख़ुदकुशी कर ली।
अपने बच्चे को पहचानिए।
वो क्या है, ये जानिये।
हाथी है या शेर ,चीता, लकडबग्घा , जिराफ ऊँट है
या मछली , या फिर हंस , मोर या कोयल ?
क्या पता वो चींटी ही हो? यदि आपका बच्चा चींटी है तो हताश या निराश न हों। चींटी धरती का सबसे परिश्रमी जीव है और अपने खुद के वज़न की तुलना में एक हज़ार गुना ज्यादा वजन उठा सकती है। इसलिए अपने बच्चों की क्षमता को परखें और जीवन में आगे बढ़ने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करें, न कि भेड़ चाल चलाते हुए उसे हतोत्साहित करें।
याद रखिए, किसी को शहनाई बजाने पर भी भारत रत्न से नवाज़ा गया है।
Saturday, April 7, 2018
War on Islam and Kunduz Massacre
I want you all to read the following very carefully because it's important.
I was with one of the most respected scholars around here in Makkah yesterday (hafidhahullah) and he was incredibly sad about what had just happened in the Kunduz region of Afghanistan with the murder of the children memorisers of the Qur'an and what it represented in the military and ideological war the disbelievers wage in other countries too. I wish to paraphrase what he said:
Madrasahs in Pakistan and Afghanistan have a great impact on their countries, not just supporting millions of children but also teaching them their Deen. They eat, drink, sleep, worship, play and learn there before going on to try and benefit their communities as best they can. They might not be perfect but their good massively outweighs any negatives.
These graduates have had a very important role against the military and ideological occupation of aggressors and foreign invaders historically, whether that be a direct resistance to an actual physical invasion, or an indirect resistance to an educational or cultural or economic or political occupation and invasion of mind, heart and soul.
Those who follow the movements of Western powers and agenices and their slaves they have placed in charge of our countries, will know that it is from their ultimate objectives to complete rid our countries of such Madrasahs and educational institutes and such resistance to their ideas and power. At all costs. Whatever it takes. Even if it means fabricating about such centres as places where "terrorism breeds" and then attacking them openly and directly.
Usually they will be content in just supporting with full force the secular anti-Islam educational reform movement with billions, such as supporting figures like Malala who was nearly killed by what was thought to be the Taliban, and received international stardom in her resistance to their efforts.
The specific attack against children during the Qur'an memorisation graduation ceremony in Afghanistan - with attack helicopters and guided missles etc - was planned meticulously in every way: in its timing, its location and its manner.
They wanted the terror caused by their "Shock and Awe" approach to have the maximum impact on the children and teachers to make them fearful of Madrasahs and what might happen there at any time.
With all their advanced technology and incredibly deep intelligence aparatus, it was the easiest thing possible to be able to distinguish between Taliban militants or any guilty criminals, and between a religious seminary and their students. The attack was intentional, planned and devastating in consequence.
The Huffadh of the Qur'an who were all murdered in the attack are being provided for with their Lord by His Will. Allah jalla wa 'ala chose them in this dunya to memorise His Book, and chose them in the Akhirah to be alongside Him. By His Permission, He honoured them in both worlds.
The murderers however - the Afghan perpetrators and their disbelieving paymasters and controllers - will be both cursed and humiliated in this dunya and the Akhirah.
Their excuses will never be accepted. They will never achieve success in their efforts whatever power and position they reach, exactly as Allah jalla wa 'ala said:
"The scheming of those who reject the truth can only go wrong." (40:25)
Islam and its followers will remain, and will survive, and will be supported - by the Will of Allah jalla wa 'ala - whether it takes a few years or all of time itself. This is the case not just for what has just occurred in this single incident in Afghanistan but in all the countries all over the world where this is happening every single day. You can now add all your cities and countries - I don't have to say Kashmir or Yemen or leave it out, or say Palestine and Syria and mention them repeatedly, to make any difference to what we all know all over the world about their ultimate plan - for Allah says:
"We support Our messengers and the believers, in the present life and on the Day when witnesses arise. On the Day when excuses will not profit the evildoers, their fate will be rejection and they will have the worst of homes." (40:51)
And indeed to Allah we belong, and to Him we shall return.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Death of Humanity in Syria - Black Face of Imperialism
Saturday, February 3, 2018
General Elections 2019 ~ Possibilities and Circumstances
General elections are due to be held in India by May 2019 to constitute the seventeenth Lok Sabha. All parties have started the preparation and are using all tactics to influence people. These elections are going to make big effects on Indian social and political scenario in long run. If people re-elect right wing then country will become more religious fundamentalist and rigid. On other hand if people elect Congress it will also called a 'Situation of Optionlessness' for country people.
Here are great possibilities and also clear that Modi govt is going to repeated. BJP and allies have started preparing for big game. Their propaganda and agenda are running on TV channels and print & social media are full of their supporters. This time again they will get support due to their religious and cultural policies. At many forms they are talking about development but everybody is aware of that fake concern. They will get vote and support only due to their hardcore Hindutava policies.
Nowadays BJP, RSS and their allies are working for polarization of Indian society. Hindutava goons are rioting throughout throughout the nation and their TV partners are blaming the victims of riots for creating riots. Their fake propaganda against governments of Delhi, Kerala and West Bengal is at peak. They are usually not targeting Congress because they know that Congress have become a soft target nowadays and targeting Congress will reap nothing. Communal tension is provoked and from backstage government is supporting crimes and hatred against Minorities and Dalits.
Here as per the possibilities BJP is going to once again elected and enjoy the authority. Congress have not a big face for PM. Nobody take Rahul Gandhi seriously and other leaders are suffering due to nepotism. Congress needs a lot of inner reforms to again get popular but current leadership is not seeming interested. Congress will get seats in Non Hindu majority areas and this will not lead them to formation of government. They are badly failed in taking benefits of terrible mistakes of Modi and friends.
Here we have to talk about third front also. Arvind Kejriwal, Mamta Bannerji and CPI are big players here. We cannot predict anything about Delhi and its AAP government but In kerala and West Bengal respectively CPI (M) and TMC are performing good. After all efforts of RSS and Hindutava fascists they are successfully governing in their states. They have strong hold on politics of their regions. Both Mamta Bannerji and Arvind Kejriwal can claim to be the PM face for third front. Here we have to know that Congress will not join the third alliance ( if any ) and this is going to prove fatal.
BJP will obviously lost the vote share but Still they will get maximum vote share. Here is a great possibilities of loss of BJP in Rajsthan, Bihar, UP and Haryana but they will get enough voted to form the govt along with allies. The impacts of BJP's victory will be long lasting and much effective.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
All about One Belt One Road Initiative (OBOR) of China
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Duty of common People
Most important and reliable duty is on the shoulders of Muslim Youth. They have to understand the nature of propaganda and strategy of enemies. First of all we have to know about the the opponents. If our youth will be educated and trained then it will be hard to target us. So pleas start educating yourself and learn more and more. Go for study of technology, business, finance and and more productive fields. Studying useless subjects us not going to lead the community anywhere. Focus on education of every child, youth and girl.
Second most important thing we have to do is overthrow the traitor and puppets of America who are ruling Islamic countries. Biggest enemy is not in US, Israel or UK. Enemies are Muslim leaders who fulfill agenda of enemies of Islam. Some examples are Saudis, Al Sisi of Egypt, All political parties of Pakistan and rulers of African Muslim countries and some other states like Central Asian countries. If your leaders are unable to save your dignity and honour then go for other option.
Next important duty is reconnecting Muslim people with teachings of Islam. People have to try this on individual and family level first of all. Learn Deen, Hadith and how to read Quran and its tafseer/translation. We have to know that our distance from iman is responsible for our fall. Teach deen to your kids and inspire them to maintain Salah. Motivate them for basic Islamic values like being truthful and honest, respecting dignity of women and old age persons and being hardworking and productive.
Muslims have to go in media and counter the propaganda of Anti Muslim forces. We need more channels like Al Jazira and TRT world. We also need more dedicated efforts to spread of Islam to new lands like western Europe, North America, South America, Australia, East Asia and Non Islamic regions of Africa. This all need huge amount of money and political support of many governments. If by 2035 25% whites revert to Islam, it will automatically eradicate Anti Muslim stronghold there.
At the time when Zionists have get success in provoking sectarian wars in Islamic world and also spread of Nationalism, it is the call of time to generate strong Islamic unity in Islamic countries. Difference among Muslims on many issues is already there from starting time and this must not be a big issue.
In the end we have to know that efforts to harm the Islam are big and strong. We need more research on this issue. Money, manpower, unity and growth all are needed to get over this problem. Make your faith strong and keep hardworking. Allah will don't downcast the believers.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Isolation of Israel & America : Rise of new political scenario
After huge efforts of Turkish president Reçep Tyyeb Erdogan and cooperation by international community, Palestine get a decisive victory over Israel in UN on 22 December 2017. 128 nations vote in the favor of Palestine and only 9 countries vote in favour of Israel. There was not any big country except America and Israel who vote for Israel. Tiny islands who are totally dependent on US they voted against Palestine, they are like Haiti, Vanuatu and Kiribati. World powers like China, Russia, India, UK, France and other all voted for Palestine. This was the first time when America was so much isolated. Its old allies voted against its wish.
After voting in UN we can see anger among American govt officials and its right wing supporters. They are advising each other to kick out UN from America to Syria or North Korea. Many are saying to cut the aid and funds to this international organisation as it is going against American rights. This is totally dictatorial attitude American people that they don't accept decision of international community. Maximum nations support two states solution and East Jerusalem as capital of Palestine.
This voting in UN also indicate other rising trends in international politics. America of 2017 is not same as America of 1980. International scenario is changing. Russia is coming back for tough competition in economic and military field and China is already emerged as another pole of power in world. Europe is also going away from America and getting united as European Union. These all new countries and unions have not much powerful Jewish lobby as united states and after all these all are going to hurt Israel's rights. We can say that this is a new starting of a world without America as a superpower.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Story of Prophet Mohammad and an old Woman
One day Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was going somewhere at noon and it was too hot in Makkah, when He ﷺ saw an old woman carrying her luggage on her head. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ helped her and took the luggage from the woman and carried it for her..
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ asked the woman that where she was going and why? She said that I am leaving this town as I have heard that a magician named Muhammad ﷺ is in town.
As Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was very patient and kind, He ﷺ didn’t say a word and kept listening. The old lady kept complaining that why she was leaving the town.
In short the basic reason of her to leave the town was her misconception about Muhammad ﷺ, who was walking beside her and she didn’t knew it.
While walking with the Holy Prophet ﷺ, that old women noticed that this young man have a brightness on his smiling and humble face. And she also noticed that His sweat is perfumed. She was very impressed.
When they reached the destination, Muhammad ﷺ put down the bag and was about to leave when the old woman said,”O, young man! At least tell me your name!”. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ smiled and replied,”I am the person because of whom you left the town.” The old lady was amazed to listen that and said that such a kind, helping and well mannered person can never be wrong and therefore she also accepted teachings of Prophet ﷺ...
Saturday, November 4, 2017
What a government Can do In Only 5 years
If you say that 5 years is too less to achieve anything substantial.
Here is what Sher Shah Suri achieved in 5 years and 5 days (1540-1545). And he suceeded Mughal king Humayun.
1. Started the measurement and survey of all land holdings in the kingdom. Intoduced the measure "Gaj" which corresponds to 39 inches.
2. Started the "Patta" system for sale purchase of land.
3. Introduced the currency called "Rupya" (Rupee) which was a silver coin weighing 178 "Ratti". One Rupya was equal to 64 "Daam" which was later called "Aana".
4. Created 47 "Jilla" (districts) which were called "Sarkaar". Each Sarkaar had a Military officer and a Civilian officer like today's SP and DM.
5. Agricultural land was classified into the categories of Good, Average and Poor according to yield.The 'Lagaan' was determined accordingly.
6. Farmers were granted the facility of Agricultural loan called "Takavi".
7. Business tax was simplified into Entry tax when goods entered the Kingdom (Customs tax) and when they were sold (Sales tax).
8. Formed the "Cabinet system" of ruling with seperate ministers for Finance, Defence, Foreign affairs and Communications.
9. Instead of "Jamindari" system brought in "Rayatvari" system. While Jamindari was dynastic, in Rayatdari an officer was appointed like IAS.
10. Revenue courts were established in every 'Sarkar' where "Munsif" (DM of today) used to officiate as a Judge.
11. Every Sarkar also had a Criminal court where "Shikdar" (SP of today) used to officiate as a Judge.
12. Started new systems in Military. Horses were branded to identify them permanently. Records of soliders were maintained and they were assigned to a unit (Regiment system).
13. Constructed 1700 "Sarai" (Resting places) along the highways.
14. Started a Postal service.
15. Constructed GT road from Peshawar to Sonargaon, about 3000 km. long.
16. Constructed highways from Agra to Jodhpur, Agra to Burhanpur, Lahore to Multan.
17. Got Fruit yielding and Shadow giving trees along all highways.
18. Put the onus of the safety of travellers on the villages en route. If a traveller was robbed either the village produced the robber or it compensated the traveller. The onus of protection of traveller's life was on the village head. Either the culprit had to be handed over or the village head was punished. These measures made travelling quite safe for businessmen and others.
19. Constructed the Old fort of Delhi, Rohtasgarh fort and many other buildings.
20. Erected lamp post at every "Kos" on the highways to guide the travellers at night.
21. And he managed to achieve all this while fighting wars for 31 months out of 60 months reign!!!
---- so don't say not much can be done in 5 years