Sunday, December 24, 2017

Isolation of Israel & America : Rise of new political scenario

In recent voting 128 member countries of UN voted against American president Donald Trump's embassy move to Jerusalem. Transferring American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was Trump's promise during election campaign and a big reason behind his victory. By this promise Donald Trump gain huge support of strong Jewish lobby inside United States of America. Before Donald Trump many president candidates have contested election on this issue but after victory they do not pay attention to this matter. This include George Bush and Carter.
              Trump government is highly influenced by Jared Kushner the husband of Ivanka Trump. Jared Kushner is a good friend of Benjamin Netanyahu the Israeli PM and that's how Israel have a control over American administration never like before. Jewish bankers and businessmen are another key points for Israel to control America. Trump is a right wing extremist, white racist, anti Muslim and pro Zionism. This was a golden opportunity for Trump to gain sympathy from his voters and gain limelight among Anti Islamic westerns.
                   After huge efforts of Turkish president Reçep Tyyeb Erdogan and cooperation by international community, Palestine get a decisive victory over Israel in UN on 22 December 2017. 128 nations vote in the favor of Palestine and only 9 countries vote in favour of Israel. There was not any big country except America and Israel who vote for Israel. Tiny islands who are totally dependent on US they voted against Palestine, they are like Haiti, Vanuatu and Kiribati. World powers like China, Russia, India, UK, France and other all voted for Palestine. This was the first time when America was so much isolated. Its old allies voted against  its wish.
                              After voting in UN we can see anger among American govt officials and its right wing supporters. They are advising each other to kick out UN from America to Syria or North Korea. Many are saying to cut the aid and funds to this international organisation as it is going against American rights. This is totally dictatorial attitude American people that they don't accept decision of international community. Maximum nations support two states solution and East Jerusalem as capital of Palestine.
                              This voting in UN also indicate other rising trends in international politics. America of 2017 is not same as America of 1980. International scenario is changing. Russia is coming back for tough competition in economic and military field and China is already emerged as another pole of power in world. Europe is also going away from America and getting united as European Union. These all new countries and unions have not much powerful Jewish lobby as united states and after all these all are going to hurt Israel's rights. We can say that this is a new starting of a world without America as a superpower.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Story of Prophet Mohammad and an old Woman

One day Prophet Muhammad ‎ﷺ was going somewhere at noon and it was too hot in Makkah, when He ‎ﷺ saw an old woman carrying her luggage on her head. Prophet Muhammad ‎ﷺ helped her and took the luggage from the woman and carried it for her..
Prophet Muhammad ‎ﷺ asked the woman that where she was going and why? She said that I am leaving this town as I have heard that a magician named Muhammad ‎ﷺ is in town.
As Holy Prophet Muhammad ‎ﷺ was very patient and kind, He ‎ﷺ didn’t say a word and kept listening. The old lady kept complaining that why she was leaving the town.
In short the basic reason of her to leave the town was her misconception about Muhammad ‎ﷺ, who was walking beside her and she didn’t knew it.
While walking with the Holy Prophet ‎ﷺ, that old women noticed that this young man have a brightness on his smiling and humble face. And she also noticed that His sweat is perfumed. She was very impressed.
When they reached the destination, Muhammad ‎ﷺ put down the bag and was about to leave when the old woman said,”O, young man! At least tell me your name!”. Prophet Muhammad ‎ﷺ smiled and replied,”I am the person because of whom you left the town.” The old lady was amazed to listen that and said that such a kind, helping and well mannered person can never be wrong and therefore she also accepted teachings of Prophet ﷺ...

Saturday, November 4, 2017

What a government Can do In Only 5 years

If you say that 5 years is too less to achieve anything substantial.

Here is what Sher Shah Suri achieved in 5 years and 5 days (1540-1545). And he suceeded Mughal king Humayun.

1. Started the measurement and survey of all land holdings in the kingdom. Intoduced the measure "Gaj" which corresponds to 39 inches.

2. Started the "Patta" system for sale purchase of land.

3. Introduced the currency called "Rupya" (Rupee) which was a silver coin weighing 178 "Ratti". One Rupya was equal to 64 "Daam" which was later called "Aana".

4. Created 47 "Jilla" (districts) which were called "Sarkaar". Each Sarkaar had a Military officer and a Civilian officer like today's SP and DM.

5. Agricultural land was classified into the categories of Good, Average and Poor according to yield.The 'Lagaan' was determined accordingly.

6. Farmers were granted the facility of Agricultural loan called "Takavi".

7. Business tax was simplified into Entry tax when goods entered the Kingdom (Customs tax) and when they were sold (Sales tax).

8. Formed the "Cabinet system" of ruling with seperate ministers for Finance, Defence, Foreign affairs and Communications.

9. Instead of "Jamindari" system brought in "Rayatvari" system. While Jamindari was dynastic, in Rayatdari an officer was appointed like IAS.

10. Revenue courts were established in every 'Sarkar' where "Munsif" (DM of today) used to officiate as a Judge.

11. Every Sarkar also had a Criminal court where "Shikdar" (SP of today) used to officiate as a Judge.

12. Started new systems in Military. Horses were branded to identify them permanently. Records of soliders were maintained and they were assigned to a unit (Regiment system).

13. Constructed 1700 "Sarai" (Resting places) along the highways.

14. Started a Postal service.

15. Constructed GT road from Peshawar to Sonargaon, about 3000 km. long.

16. Constructed highways from Agra to Jodhpur, Agra to Burhanpur, Lahore to Multan.

17. Got Fruit yielding and Shadow giving trees along all highways.

18. Put the onus of the safety of travellers on the villages en route. If a traveller was robbed either the village produced the robber or it compensated the traveller. The onus of protection of traveller's life was on the village head. Either the culprit had to be handed over or the village head was punished. These measures made travelling quite safe for businessmen and others.

19. Constructed the Old fort of Delhi, Rohtasgarh fort and many other buildings.

20. Erected lamp post at every "Kos" on the highways to guide the travellers at night.

21. And he managed to achieve all this while fighting wars for 31 months out of 60 months reign!!!

---- so don't say not much can be done in 5 years

Sunday, October 29, 2017

All about Kurdistan - Strategic and diplomatic importance

After defeat of the IS in Iraq and Syria, demand for separate nation for Kurd ethnic group again get lamplight. It was promised by American to Kurd people of Iraq. Because Kurd Peshmerga/militia has played an important role in defeat of IS so they gained sympathy and moral support from west. Now when there no IS in region, Kurds are recalling US for his promise to  them. America also want to see a strong Kurdistan as his best ally, but obstacle in path are regional powers.
                        Iraq, Iran and Turkey are strongly against creation of Kurdistan. Where Iraq is directly going to get divided in two parts, impact of creation of new nation will be a big danger for existence of Iran and Turkey. According to political strategists creation of the Kurdistan will lead to creation of Greater Kurdistan which includes Iraqi Kurdistan, Northern Iran and South East regions of Turkey. The main reason why Kurdistan lost support and respect from regional powers and Islamic world, was its love for Zionist regime of Israel. Kurd Militia is trained, funded and armed by Israel.
                                                       Deep inside Kurdistan is a part of great Zionist plan for middle east, which is Greater Israel. For this US attacks Iraq on fake allegations of making weapons of mass destruction (WMD). According to this master plan of Zionists, in first phase they will work for balkanization of Muslim countries of middle east. In next face Israel will annex these small states one by one and finally create Greater Israel. For more details on this topic you can read my another article below. Now when after a long warfare Iraq is unable to sustain itself, chances of Kurdistan are more but at this stage Iran and Turkey are against this change. They want to see one and united Iraq via all kinds of support.
             Turks and Iranians know it very well that if Kurdistan get sovereignty at once, Israel and US will get comfortable, forever and near them base for fighting against them. They will train and supply arms to Kurds against Iran and Turkey. From a long time Israel is seeking for access to these both countries via land and that's why they support Kurdistan so keenly.
                 Here Turkey uses 1912 treaty with Great Britain as a key against Pro Kurdistan forces. In Kurdistan region Turkmen people are minority and this treaty states that if anybody threats Turkmen people, Turkey is free to take military action. Now Turkmen people wants the accession of cities of Mosul and Kirkuk in Turkey. Turkish president Recep Tyyeb Erdogan have warned the Kurds that their forces can come at any time if they harm Turkmen people. If Turkey take any military step, it seems impossible to create a Kurdish state.
                                             On other hand Iran is ready to pay any cost for existence of strong and undivided Shia Iraq. Iran don't want to see any Pro Israel country on its border. If Kurdistan get formed, there will be a never ending war between Iran and Kurdistan. Pro Iran Shia militia group Hezbollah is getting ready for new war with Kurdish peshmerga which will be equally harsh and dangerous as war against IS. Here we can see when war against IS is ended, a new war is waiting at door. Conditions are going to be worst in upcoming day. Kurds are fighter people and they are on war from a long time. They are supported by Zionist world, on other hand Turks are warriors without any substitute. Iran, Hezbollah, Shia militia and Iraqi forces are also not going to accept decisions of anyone else.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Rohingya Genocide ~ A Lost Nation and Forgotten Race

According to UN, Rohingyas are most victimized people in the world. They are stateless people denied citizenship in the country of their ancestors. They are not getting basic human rights in 21st century. Myanmar is a Buddhist majority country and its society is heavily radicalized by right wing religious leaders. Myanmar authorities always keep spreading lie that Rohingyas are Bengali Muslims who are migrated from Bangladesh but reality is that they are people with diffrent identity, culturr and language.
                     From long ago Rohingya Muslims are suffering from state sponsored terrorism. Myanmar Army and Buddhists kill them anytime and here is nobody who will stand up for them.When ariel strikes hit their villages, they try to fled to Bangladesh but Bangladesh border guards deny the entry to them. There is the situation of helplessness in case of Rohingya Muslims. Rohingyas have not any option except death and torture. Intentions of Buddhist monks and leaders are very clear. They want to kill all Muslim people in that country and establish a single religion state. We have to keep this in mind that before 1937 there was a Muslim state named Arakan between Bangladesh and Myanmar but around 1942 Burma occupy that state and starts removing Islamic identity from there. They rename state as Rakhin and starts torturing Muslims. Due to long militarily aggression and atrocities, Muslims start migration towards Bangladesh. This is  how an Islamic country was occupied and Islam become alien to its own land. This was second case of its own kind after Spain.
                     Time by time Turkish president Recep Tyyeb Erdogan keep speaking for Rohingya Muslims and sending add to them but he is only person & leader of his kind. Among thousands of Muslim leaders, there nobody who even speak for them. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iran always pretend to be the leaders of Islamic world but on this issue they all are silent. Nor OIC neither Arab League pass any resolution for the cause of Rohingya Muslims. They are so much busy with their petroleum and money that they have not time to speak up for the cause of oppressed people. Hajj is going in Saudi Arabia and Muslims of every country are gathered there but Saudi even don't give a casual statement regarding Rohingya issue.
             Muslim countries are capable to solve Rohingya issue forever. Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan and Egypt can solve this issue all alone or united. They all can distribute Rohingya people in their countries or make a militry solution of this problem. Indonesia, Turky, Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia have good armed forces who can performe any opration on the mainland of Myanmar. Myanmar is not much strong to face a coalition of many nations. But for this strong will power among Muslim countries and keaders is needed which is lacked nowadays.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

ईद उल अज़्हा पर सबके लिए ज़रूरी पैग़ाम

ईद को दो दिन बचे हैं और सभी भाई बहन इस खुशी के मौके का बेसब्री से इंतज़ार कर रहे हैं.मैं आप सब को ईद की तहेदिल मनबारकबाद देता हूँ लेकिन इसके साथ साथ मैं आपको कुछ और भी बताना चाहता हूँ.
                                                                ईद का असली मकसद जहाँ अल्लाह के पैग़म्बरों की सुन्नत को ज़िंदा रखना है वहीं इसका एक और बड़ा मकसद कौम के आपसी भाईचारे, समानता और इत्तेहाद को बढ़ावा देना है. ईद का दिन ही साल में एक ऐसा दिन होता है जब हर ग़रीब - अमीर, गोरे - सांवले - काले, पढ़े लिखे और अनपढ़ मुसलमान के बीच का फर्क ख़त्म हो जाता है. ईद वाले दिन आप किसी भी मुस्लिम भाई को अपने घर आने से नहीं रोक सकते और न ही उनके आने पर नाराज़ हो सकते हैं. ईद के रोज़ कोई ग़रीब और मज़लूम आपके घर आए तो उसका मुस्कुरा कर और खुशदिल से इस्तेकबाल करना आपके लिए रहमत की अलामत बन सकता है.
                                     सब मुसलमानों से उम्मीद की जाती है कि अपने शहर, मोहल्ले और गाँव के सबसे ग़रीब लोगों के बारे में इस दिन ज़रूर सोचें. यकीनन अल्लाह उन पर मेहरबान है जो उसके बंदों पर मेहरबान है. हो सकता है आपके फ्रीज़र में इतना गोश्त इक्ट्ठा हो जाए कि आप पूरा एक हफ्ता खा कर भी उसे ख़त्म न कर पाएं लेकिन आपके ही मोहल्ले में कोई इस रोज़ भी भूखा ही सो रहा हो. इस्लाम का एक कानून है कि अगर आपका पड़ोसी भूखे पेट सो रहा है तो आप पर खाना जायज़ नहीं है. सोचो अगर ईद पर भी कोई भूखा ही रह गया तो आप और हम कितने बड़े अज़ाब के हकदार होंगे. इसके साथ ही किसी भी ग़रीब मोमिन की कपड़े और पैसे से भरपूर मदद करने से भी परहेज़ न करें. अपनी औकात के मुताबिक और अपनी औकात से बढ़कर लोगों की मदद करें और ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा मज़लूम लोगों के लिए इस दिन को रोश्न बनाने का ज़रिया बनें.
                     इसके अलावा एक और बात जो आपको याद रखनी है कि कुर्बानी के दौरान जानवर ज़िबह करने की वीडियो न तो खुद बनाएं और न ही किसी और को बनाने दें. कहीं न कहीं इससे गलत मैसेज बाहर जाता है और बात को उछाला जाता है. कुर्बानी का काम सादगी और सफाई से हो तो अच्छा है.
                                             ईद पर अपनी माली कूव्वत के मुताबिक जानवर ज़िबह करें और ग़रीबों और साथियों में गोश्त तक्सीम करें लेकिन अगर कोई आपको तंग कर रहा है तो झगड़े से बच कर पुलिस प्रशासन और किसी मुस्लिम संगठन जैसे - मजलिस या जमीयत से सम्पर्क करें. कुछ शरारती तत्व ईद पर साम्प्रदायिकता भड़काने की फिराक में रहते हैं, उन्हे कोई मौका न दे.
                       आखिर में आपको फिर याद दिलाना चाहता हूँ कि ईद इस तरह से मनाएं कि कौमी इत्तिहाद में बढ़ोतरी हो. किसी भी भाई के साथ आपका झगड़ा हो तो बिना शर्त माफी मांगकर और उसे माफ कर के अपना मोमिन होने का फर्ज़ भी अदा करें |
   | अल्लाहुम्मा लब्बैक |  ईद मुबारक |

Sunday, August 20, 2017

How to Get Rid of Depression

Nowadays when depression is a big problem and maximum people are haunted by depression so it become necessary to discuss it and find its solution. Sometimes depression come suddenly and at other times we got trapped in it  slowly and slowly. All patients of depression have different causes of their depression. But this is true that lives of all depression patients got ruined. So it become very much important to try to find solution of this problem.

Here are some signs of depression which shows about your suffering from this disease. People who are suffering from depression shows some distinct signs. They behave in uncommon way and react to situations unexpectedly. Maximum people starts behaving in totally different behave as they were behaving before. Other people starts living alone and don't like to talk to anybody. Patients of this disease don't like to share their grief and sorrow with anybody. This kind of people usually feel scared to face gathering of people and they avoid answering certain type of questions. A person who is going through depression sometimes he/she starts working more and more, even beyond their own capacity. These are some signs of depression but these are few. There are different signs in different people because mentally and psychological structure of everybody is different.

Now we ought discuss the possible solutions and ways to get rid of depression. As we know failure and feeling of insecurity are two major causes of depression so from viewpoint of these problems we can search for the solution. Sometimes we think that we are not important for anybody and we starts getting depressed. We also start underestimating our relations. Here we have to clear this in mind that here are always some people who are worried about us and at same time here are other people towards whom we are responsible. May they don't say in the words that you are important for them but you have to understand this by common sense. Our parents are two persons who are  always caring about us. They love us and they want to sere us in good situation. Sometimes we think that they don't do anything for us but we have to know that they have always tried to give best to us. At same time their are our teachers, brothers & sisters, friends, well wishers and many other people who will be happy if we got something profitable. Moreover here you have to realize that nobody will love you or you will never feel love until you starts loving yourself. Once you know that how much important you are for yourself and how much worthy you are, you agony will be disappeared.

Life is all about improving and being a better and best version of yourself. For living a positive life you have to be a learner because learning is the practice which make us an improving person and finally successful in terms of physical and spiritual world.  When we starts learning continuously, slowly and slowly habit of hard work and discovery get evolved in us. Here we have to keep this in mind that except hard work  and spirit of discovery, there is not any another way to get success in the terms of wealth. Working hard, having clear knowledge of our goal, realizing the importance of relations, knowing worth of himself and accepting the reality of life are some keys to stay motivated and happy. We already knew that where there is happiness, agony, depression or anything like this can't come over us.....

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

अल्फाज़ !

ग़र्दिशों के हैं मारे हुए,
दुश्मनों के सताए हुए हैं !
जितने भी ज़ख़्म हैं मेरे दिल पर,
दोस्तों के लगाए हुए हैं.

इश्क को रोग मार देते हैं,
अक्ल को सोग मार देते हैं,
आदमी ख़ुद बा ख़ुद नहीं मरता,
दूसरे लोग मार देते हैं.

लोग कांटों से बच के चलते हैं,
हमने फूलों से ज़ख़्म खाए हैं.
तुम तो ग़ैरों की बात करते हो,
हमने अपने भी आज़माए हैं.

आसा दीद ले के दुनिया में,
मैने दीदार की ग़दाई की,
मेरे जितने भी यार थे सबने
हसबे तौफीक बेवफाई की.

जब से देखा तेरा कद्दो कामत
दिल पे टूटी हुई है कयामत
हर बला से रहे तू सलामत
दिन जवानी के आए हुए हैं.

और दे मुझको दे और साकी
होश रहता है थोड़ा सा बाकी
आज तल्ख़ी भी है इन्तेहा की
आज वो भी पराए हुए हैं.

कल थे आबाद पहलू में मेरे
अब हैं ग़ैरों की महफिल में डेरे
मेरी महफिल में कर के अंधेरे
अपनी महफिल सजाए हुए हैं.

अपने हाथों से खंजर चला कर
कितना मासूम चेहरा बना
अपने काँधों पे अब मेरे कातिल
मेरी मय्यत उठाए हुए हैं.

महवशों को वफा से क्या मतलब
इन बुतों को खुदा से क्या मतलब
इनकी मासूम नज़रों ने नासिर
लोग काफिर बनाए हुए हैं...

Sunday, February 26, 2017

इन्सान का सबसे ज़रूरी फर्ज़ - एक कौम और एक जान

एक इन्सान के लिए अपने फर्ज़ [Duty] को समझना सबसे ज़रूरी है.जब तक हमें अपने फर्ज़ का पता नहीं है तब तक हम अपनी ज़िंदगी जी नहीं रहे हैं बल्की उसे सिर्फ काट रहे हैं.अगर आप मुसलमान हैं तो आपके अपने प्रति, अपने परिवार, समाज, देश, सारी उम्मत ए मुहम्मदी और पूरी इन्सानियत के प्रति कुछ फर्ज़ हैं जो आपके लिए ज़रूरी है.क्योंकि इस्लाम ज़िंदगी जीने का मुकम्मल ढंग है इसलिए यह फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि आप अपने फर्ज़ को पूरा करना चाहते हैं या नहीं. अगर आप कलिमा पढ़ कर तौहीद, ख़त्म ए नबूवत, कुरान और सुन्नत पर ईमान ले आए हैं तो आपके लिए ज़रूरी हो गया है कि आप अपने फर्ज़ से भागें नही.

मुसलमान का सबसे ज़रूरी और अहम फर्ज़ है कि वह दुनियावी, दिली और ज़हनी तौर पर सारी 'उम्मत ए मुस्लिमा' के साथ हमदर्दी रखे. आका मदनी *सल्ल'लाहो अलैही व सल्लम* ने सारी उम्माह को एक जिस्म की तरह बताया है. दुनिया भर के दो अरब मुसलमानों को एक दूसरे के दुख दर्द महसूस होनें चाहिएं.एक मुस्लिम अगर सीरिया,फिलिस्तीन और सोमालिया में मरता है तो यह ज़रूरी है कि इंडोनेशिया, कज़ाख़स्तान और बाँग्लादेश के मुसलमान के दिल में दर्द उठे और जो मुमकिन हो वह अपने मुस्लिम भाई-बहनों के लिए करे.

इसके साथ साथ एक अहम फर्ज़ यह भी है कि एक मुस्लिम अपने पड़ोस, बस्ती, मोहल्ले, कस्बे, शहर और इलाके के मुसलमानों के प्रति फिक्रमंद हो. वह उनके दुख दर्द और ख़ुशी के मौकों का साथी हो. आज ज़्यादातर मुसलमान अपने पड़ोसी और मोहल्ले के मुसलमानों से दुश्मनी और नफरत पील लेते हैं जिसकी सिर्फ एक वजह है और वह है हसद/जलन और झूठी शान. हालांकी सबको पता है कि इस्लाम में हसद और झूठी शान दोनों हराम घोषित कर दिए गए हैं.

आज मुआशरे का यह हाल हो चुका है कि एक मुस्लिम अपने सगे भाई से बात नहीं करता, फिर पड़ोसी और मोहल्ले के मुसलमान तो बड़ी दूर के लोग हैं. वजह अक्सर मकान, ज़मीन और जायदाद होते हैं. समझ नहीं आता की कब्र, आख़िरत और कयामत में यकीन रखने वाला मुस्लिम यह क्यों भूल जाता है कि इन में से एक भी चीज़ इस छोटी सी ज़िंदग़ी के बाद साथ नहीं जाएगी. साथ अगर कुछ जाएगा तो आदमी का चरित्र, अमल और फर्ज़ की अदायग़ी जाएगी.

एक मुस्लिम के लिए बेहद ज़रूरी है कि वह सब मुसलमानों के प्रति दिल में मोहब्बत, लगाव और हमदर्दी रखे. जहां तक मुमकिन हो तो दूसरों की गलतियों की बजाय उनकी खूबियों को देखो. हर इन्सान में अच्छे और बुरे गुण होते हैं. यह आप पर निर्भर करता है कि आप सामने वाले का कौन सा गुण देख रहे हैं. अल्लाह कहता है कि तुम मेरे बंदों के प्रति रहमतमंत बनो और मैं तुम्हारे उपर रहमत की निगाह रखूंगा. तुम मेरो बंदों की गलतियों को माफ करो और मैं तुम्हारे गुनाहों को माफ करूंगा.

आज एक मुसलमान के अपने बगल के गैर मुसलमान के साथ तो अच्छे रिश्ते हैं पर मुस्लिम भाई को वह एक नज़र देखना तक नहीं चाहता. अब तो यह रिवाज़ भी चल पड़ा है कि अलग - अलग मस्जिदें बन रही हैं. बेरूखी, बेदिली, और बेदर्दी आज के मुसलमान के ज़हन का हिस्सा बन चुका है. अगर मुस्लमान अपने ज़ाति फायदों और झूठी शान के लिए इस्लाम की रूह यानी कौम्मी इत्तिहाद और एक कौम - एक जान वाली सोच को कत्ल करते रहे तो वह दिन दूर नहीं जब हमारा समाज बिखर जाएगा. आप सब से गुज़ारिश है कि अपने दिलों में कौम के लिए मोहब्बत पैदा करें. पड़ोस और मोहल्ले के मुसलमानों के लिए बुरे और अच्छे वक्त के साथी बनें. हो सकता है कि किसी वजह से आपने बातचीत बंद कर ली हो पर एक दूसरे की मौत और जनाज़े में ज़रूर शामिल हों. जितना जल्दी हो सके दूसरे मुसलमान को को माफ करके एक नई शुरूआत करें. यकीनन अल्लाह आपको कामयाबी देगा...

हकीकत का अगर अफसाना बन जाए तो क्या कीजे

हकीकत का अगर अफसाना बन जाए तो क्या कीजे, गले मिल के भी वो बेगाना बन जाए तो क्या कीजे. हमें सौ बार कर रे मय्यकशी मंज़ूर है लेकिन, नज़र उसकी अग़र नयख़ाना बन जाए तो किया कीजे. नज़र आता है सजदे में जो अक्सर शैख़ साहिब को, वो जवला, जलवा ए जानाना बन जाए तो क्या कीजे. तेरे मिलने से जो मुझको हमेशा मना करता है, अगर वो भी तेरा दीवाना बन जाए तो क्या कीजे. ख़ुदा का घर समझ रखा है अब तक हमने जिस दिल को, कभी उसमें भी इक बुतख़ाना बन जाए तो क्या कीजे. हकीकत का अगर अफसाना बन जाए तो क्या कीजे..