Sunday, February 26, 2017

इन्सान का सबसे ज़रूरी फर्ज़ - एक कौम और एक जान

एक इन्सान के लिए अपने फर्ज़ [Duty] को समझना सबसे ज़रूरी है.जब तक हमें अपने फर्ज़ का पता नहीं है तब तक हम अपनी ज़िंदगी जी नहीं रहे हैं बल्की उसे सिर्फ काट रहे हैं.अगर आप मुसलमान हैं तो आपके अपने प्रति, अपने परिवार, समाज, देश, सारी उम्मत ए मुहम्मदी और पूरी इन्सानियत के प्रति कुछ फर्ज़ हैं जो आपके लिए ज़रूरी है.क्योंकि इस्लाम ज़िंदगी जीने का मुकम्मल ढंग है इसलिए यह फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि आप अपने फर्ज़ को पूरा करना चाहते हैं या नहीं. अगर आप कलिमा पढ़ कर तौहीद, ख़त्म ए नबूवत, कुरान और सुन्नत पर ईमान ले आए हैं तो आपके लिए ज़रूरी हो गया है कि आप अपने फर्ज़ से भागें नही.

मुसलमान का सबसे ज़रूरी और अहम फर्ज़ है कि वह दुनियावी, दिली और ज़हनी तौर पर सारी 'उम्मत ए मुस्लिमा' के साथ हमदर्दी रखे. आका मदनी *सल्ल'लाहो अलैही व सल्लम* ने सारी उम्माह को एक जिस्म की तरह बताया है. दुनिया भर के दो अरब मुसलमानों को एक दूसरे के दुख दर्द महसूस होनें चाहिएं.एक मुस्लिम अगर सीरिया,फिलिस्तीन और सोमालिया में मरता है तो यह ज़रूरी है कि इंडोनेशिया, कज़ाख़स्तान और बाँग्लादेश के मुसलमान के दिल में दर्द उठे और जो मुमकिन हो वह अपने मुस्लिम भाई-बहनों के लिए करे.

इसके साथ साथ एक अहम फर्ज़ यह भी है कि एक मुस्लिम अपने पड़ोस, बस्ती, मोहल्ले, कस्बे, शहर और इलाके के मुसलमानों के प्रति फिक्रमंद हो. वह उनके दुख दर्द और ख़ुशी के मौकों का साथी हो. आज ज़्यादातर मुसलमान अपने पड़ोसी और मोहल्ले के मुसलमानों से दुश्मनी और नफरत पील लेते हैं जिसकी सिर्फ एक वजह है और वह है हसद/जलन और झूठी शान. हालांकी सबको पता है कि इस्लाम में हसद और झूठी शान दोनों हराम घोषित कर दिए गए हैं.

आज मुआशरे का यह हाल हो चुका है कि एक मुस्लिम अपने सगे भाई से बात नहीं करता, फिर पड़ोसी और मोहल्ले के मुसलमान तो बड़ी दूर के लोग हैं. वजह अक्सर मकान, ज़मीन और जायदाद होते हैं. समझ नहीं आता की कब्र, आख़िरत और कयामत में यकीन रखने वाला मुस्लिम यह क्यों भूल जाता है कि इन में से एक भी चीज़ इस छोटी सी ज़िंदग़ी के बाद साथ नहीं जाएगी. साथ अगर कुछ जाएगा तो आदमी का चरित्र, अमल और फर्ज़ की अदायग़ी जाएगी.

एक मुस्लिम के लिए बेहद ज़रूरी है कि वह सब मुसलमानों के प्रति दिल में मोहब्बत, लगाव और हमदर्दी रखे. जहां तक मुमकिन हो तो दूसरों की गलतियों की बजाय उनकी खूबियों को देखो. हर इन्सान में अच्छे और बुरे गुण होते हैं. यह आप पर निर्भर करता है कि आप सामने वाले का कौन सा गुण देख रहे हैं. अल्लाह कहता है कि तुम मेरे बंदों के प्रति रहमतमंत बनो और मैं तुम्हारे उपर रहमत की निगाह रखूंगा. तुम मेरो बंदों की गलतियों को माफ करो और मैं तुम्हारे गुनाहों को माफ करूंगा.

आज एक मुसलमान के अपने बगल के गैर मुसलमान के साथ तो अच्छे रिश्ते हैं पर मुस्लिम भाई को वह एक नज़र देखना तक नहीं चाहता. अब तो यह रिवाज़ भी चल पड़ा है कि अलग - अलग मस्जिदें बन रही हैं. बेरूखी, बेदिली, और बेदर्दी आज के मुसलमान के ज़हन का हिस्सा बन चुका है. अगर मुस्लमान अपने ज़ाति फायदों और झूठी शान के लिए इस्लाम की रूह यानी कौम्मी इत्तिहाद और एक कौम - एक जान वाली सोच को कत्ल करते रहे तो वह दिन दूर नहीं जब हमारा समाज बिखर जाएगा. आप सब से गुज़ारिश है कि अपने दिलों में कौम के लिए मोहब्बत पैदा करें. पड़ोस और मोहल्ले के मुसलमानों के लिए बुरे और अच्छे वक्त के साथी बनें. हो सकता है कि किसी वजह से आपने बातचीत बंद कर ली हो पर एक दूसरे की मौत और जनाज़े में ज़रूर शामिल हों. जितना जल्दी हो सके दूसरे मुसलमान को को माफ करके एक नई शुरूआत करें. यकीनन अल्लाह आपको कामयाबी देगा...

हकीकत का अगर अफसाना बन जाए तो क्या कीजे

हकीकत का अगर अफसाना बन जाए तो क्या कीजे, गले मिल के भी वो बेगाना बन जाए तो क्या कीजे. हमें सौ बार कर रे मय्यकशी मंज़ूर है लेकिन, नज़र उसकी अग़र नयख़ाना बन जाए तो किया कीजे. नज़र आता है सजदे में जो अक्सर शैख़ साहिब को, वो जवला, जलवा ए जानाना बन जाए तो क्या कीजे. तेरे मिलने से जो मुझको हमेशा मना करता है, अगर वो भी तेरा दीवाना बन जाए तो क्या कीजे. ख़ुदा का घर समझ रखा है अब तक हमने जिस दिल को, कभी उसमें भी इक बुतख़ाना बन जाए तो क्या कीजे. हकीकत का अगर अफसाना बन जाए तो क्या कीजे..

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Muslim CMs of Indian States

Here is the list and tenure of Muslim Chief Ministers in 67 year's history of independent India.

Syeda Anwara Taimur
6th Dec 1980 - 30th June 1981
Tenure: Six months

Abdul Ghafoor
2nd July 1973 - 11th April 1975
Tenure: Less than two years.

C. H. Mohammad Koya
12th Nov 1979 - Dec 1st 1979
Tenure: 54 days.

🌐Abdul Rahman Antulay
9th June 1980 - 12th Jan 1982
Tenure: less than two years.

M. Farroq
April 9th 1967 - March 6th 1968
Tenure: Less than one year.

Barkatullah Khan
9th July 1971 - 11th August 1973
Tenure: Two years and a month.

🈁Barkatullah Khan has the honor to have served longest as a Muslim Chief Minister of India, since independence. He served as chief Minister for 2 years and a month.
❌ None of the Muslim Chief Ministers have completed a full term.

❌Last Muslim Chief Minister was in Maharashtra, in the year 1982, thirty three years ago.

  Above you can see there were very few Muslim leaders who manage to reach to the post of CM in their states. Muslim dominated states like UP and West Bengal do not get a single Muslim CM. Is it not a marginalization of Muslim community in India?

Monday, February 6, 2017

हरदम रवाँ है ज़िंदग़ी - ٢

मैने मासूम बहारों में तुम्हे देखा है.
मैने पुरनूर सितारों में तुम्हे देखा है.
मेरे महबूब तेरी पर्दा नशीनी की कसम.
मैने अश्कों की कतारों में तुम्हे देखा है |

कोई भी वक्त हो हंस कर ग़ुज़ार लेता हूँ.
ख़िज़ां के दौर में एहले बहार लेता हूँ.
ग़ुलों से रंग सितारों से रोश्नी ले कर.
जमाल ए यार का नक्शा उतार लेता हूँ|

ये जो दीवाने से दो चार नज़र आते हैं.
इनमें कुछ साहिब ए असरार नज़र आते हैं.
तेरी महफिल का भरम रखते हैं, सो जाते हैं.
वरना ये लोग तो बेदार नज़र आते हैं|

मेरे दामन में तो कांटों के सिवा कुछ नहीं.
आप फूलों के ख़रीददार नज़र आते हैं.
हशर में कौन मेरी ग्वाही देगा सिद्दीक.
सब तुम्हारे ही तरफदार नज़र आते हैं|

मैं फसाने तैयार करता हूँ.
आप उनवान ढूँढ कर लाएं.
आओ वादाकशों की बस्ती से ,
चंद इन्सान ढूँढ कर लाएं|

आज रूठे हुए सनम को बहुत याद किया.
अपने उजड़े हुए ग़ुलशन को बहुत याद किया.
जब कभी ग़र्दिश ए तकदीर ने घेरा है हमें.
ग़ेसू ए यार की उलझन को बहुत याद किया|

उम्र जलवों में बसर हो यह ज़रूरी तो नहीं.
हर शबे ग़म की सहर हो यह ज़रूरी तो नहीं.
नींद तो दर्द के बिस्तर पर भी आ सकती है.
तेरे आग़ोश में सर हो यह ज़रूरी तो नहीं|

आग को खेल पतंगों ने समझ रखा है.
सब को अन्जाम का डर हो यह ज़रूरी तो नहीं.
शेख़ जो करता है मस्जिद में ख़ुदा को सजदे.
उसके सजदों में असर हो यह ज़रूरी तो नहीं|

सब की साकी पे नज़र हो यह ज़रूरी है मग़र.
सब पे साकी की नज़र हो यह ज़रूरी तो नहीं |


Saturday, January 28, 2017

हरदम रवाँ है जिंदग़ी - ١

अजब दिन थे मोहब्बत के,
अजब दिन थे रफाकत के,
कभी गर याद आ जाएं तो,
पलकों पर सितारे झिलमिलाते हैं,

किसी की यादों में रातों को,
अक्सर जागना मामूल था अपना,
कभी गर नींद आ जाती,
तो हम यह सोच लेते थे,
अभी तो वो हमारे वास्ते रोया नहीं होगा,
अभी सोया नहीं होगा,
अभी हम भी नहीं रोते,
अभी हम भी नहीं सोते,
सो फिर हम जागते थे और,
उसको याद करते थे,
अकेले बैठ कर वीरान दिल आबाद करते थे,

हमारे सामने तारों के झुरमुट में,
अकेला चांद होता था,
जो उसके हुस्न के आगे बहुत ही मांद होता था,
फलक पर रक्स करते अनगिनत रोश्न सितारों को,
जो हम तरतीब देते थे,
तो उसका नाम बनता था,
हम अगले रोज़ जब मिलते,
तो ग़ुज़री रात की हर बेक्ली का ज़िक्र करते थे,
हर इक किस्सा सुनाते थे,
कहां किस वक्त किस तरह से दिल धड़का बताते थे,
मैं जब कहता कि 'जाना' आज तो मैं रात को इक पल नहीं सोया,
तो वो ख़ामोश रहती थी,
पर उसकी नींद में डूबी दो झील सी आँखें..
अचानक बोल उठती थीं,

मैं जब उसको बताता था,
कि मैने रात को रोश्न सितारों में,
तुम्हारा नाम देखा है,
तो वो कहती, तुम झुठ कहते हो,
सितारे मैनें देखे थे और उन रोश्न सितारों में,
तुम्हारा नाम लिखा था..
अजब मासूम लड़की थी,
मुझे कहती थी लगता है,
अब अपने सितारे मिल ही जाएंगे,
मग़र उसको ख़बर क्या थी,
किनारे मिल नहीं सकते,
मोहब्बत की कहानी में,
मोहब्बत करने वालों के,
सितारे मिल नहीं सकते..

किनारे मिल नहीं सकते,

मोहब्बत की कहानी में,
मोहब्बत करने वालों के..
सितारे मिल नहीं सकते |
                                 - Sideeque

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Zionist control over world, Part - 1

After 'World War 2nd' control of whole world fall directly in the hands of 'Anglican Neo corn Zionists.They were preparing for this a long time but America's direct involvement in second world war and its rise as supreme military and economic power provide a direct platform to Zionist Anglicans for controlling world.
          After horrific master plan of  Freemasonry and illuminati founding fathers, some international organisations were established to make their work more easy. UNO,IMF,WTO,NATO,Nobel Prize and a number of other institutions were established.Some of them help US in gaining economic dominance and others [like NATO] help them to make themselves militarily most influenced.
                   Till 2001 maximum countries were fallen into the hands of 'Zionists' except some exceptions, they were - North Korea,Cuba,Iran,Libya, Sudan,Afghanistan and Iraq.In 2001 US and its 49 other allies invaded Afghanistan and in 2003 they attack Iraq.For waiving war against Iraq and Afghanistan, US and its Zionist/Anglican media spread a massive propaganda against these both countries.Finally incident of 9/11 provides a golden chance to US to start war against Afghanistan and Iraq.I think now you are able to understand that why many journalists and think tanks say that 9/11 was an inside job.During wave of Arab spring US and its allies successful overthrow 'Kernel Muammer Gaddafi' and included Libya in federal banking system owened by Rothschild family.Sudan and Libya were last African countries which join federal banking system.
              In last months of 2016 American President Barack Obama stated  that US is interested in friendly relationship with Cuba.This was America's masterstroke to bring Cuba under federal banking system.Now only remaining country North Korea is at target. US is blaming North Korea for cyber attack on US.American media is continuously spreading propaganda against North Korea and its government and by this they are trying to make American public mentally/Psychologically ready for a war against North Korea.
                                          Major problems of this world like terrorism and war crises are also sponsored by Zionists. Since 'World War 2nd' Zionists are supplying weapons and arming both sides of war. Major industries of fighter jets,Missile systems, Guns and other war equipments are established by Zionists across the globe.This shows that how every war is beneficial for them.For making wars, Zionists also spread lies and conspiracies between two or more then two countries.Some major conflicts like India - Pakistan tension, Palestine Issue,Representing Millions of Muslims as terrorists are some selected examples of Zionist work style.According to their finale master plan or 'Agenda 21' they are trying to decrease world population from 8 billions to 3 billions. For decreasing population they are promoting wars,conflicts and political tensions. Harmful disease viruses like Ebola, Zeta,Polio and HIV were globally spread by Zionists.
           I hope in this short article you have understood that how Zionists have use US as a tool against their opponents. They are cooperated by Anglican Neo Corn Christians who are dominant in politics of North America and Western Europe.Our media and internet are controlled by Pro Zionists so they can easily fool us through TV or news reports.But their goals are not going to be succeeded coz nobody can hide truth for a long time.I will wright next parts of this article also with same title. Pleas stay connected and stay united.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

वह कौन है जिससे हमारे देश की सरकार डरती है

अक्सर लोग मुझसे पूछते हैं कि क्या कोई ऐसा भी है जिससे RSS और मोदी डरते हों.यह सवाल करने वाले भाई बहनों को लम्बे वक्त से मैं कोई पक्का जवाब नहीं दे पाया लेकिन आज मैं आपको इस छोटी सी पोस्ट में एक ताज़ा उदाहरण दे कर समझाऊंगा कि वह कौन सी ताकत है जिसके आगे RSS और हमारे देश का प्रधानमंत्री दोनों पूरी तरह बेबस हैं.
                  अगर आपके पास आज यानी 11/01/2017 का 'The Hindu' अख़बार उपलब्ध हो तो उसके पेज नं. 13 पर एक ख़बर छपी है और ख़बर के बीचोंबीच लिखा है 'Compassion International'.ख़बर यह है कि भारत सरकार ने इस NGO को watchlist में से हटा दिया है.यानि की पहले सरकार इस NGO की गतिबिधियों पर नज़र रख रही थी और बकायदा इसकी तहकीक भी हो रही थी पर अब सरकार इसके खिलाफ कोई कार्यवाही नहीं करेगी.
                         आपको यह जानने की सख़्त ज़रूरत है कि यह Compassion International चीज़ का नाम है.यह एक गैर सरकारी संस्थान यानी NGO है जो अमेरिका के Colorado शहर और प्रांत से संचालित होता है और इसके CEO का नाम है Stephen Oakley. पिछले साल 2016 में इस संगठन पर आरोप लगा था कि यह संगठन भारत में दो NGOs को मदद पहुँचा रहा है जिनके नाम हैं 'Caruna Val Vikas' [चेन्नई] और Compassion East India. आगे इस दो NGOs पर आरोप यह है कि यह दोनों बड़ी तादाद में आदिवासियों और दलितों को पैसे का लालच दे कर इसाई धर्म में परिवर्तन करवा रहे हैं.अब मतलब यह निकलता है कि Compassion Internation भारत में हो रहे मिशिनरी प्रचार और गरीब हिंदुओं को इसाई बनाने का राम कर रहा है.
                    आपको यह तो पता ही होगा कि RSS धर्मांतरण के मामलों में बड़ा संवेदनशील है.वह नहीं चाहता कि कोई हिंदू किसी दूसरे धर्म को अपनाए.उल्टा वह तो चाहते हैं कि सब ग़ैर हिंदू लोग घर वापसी कर लें.आपमें से सौ फीसदी न सही पर 75% लोग तो यह मानने को ज़रूर तैयार होंगे कि मोदी जी प्रधानमंत्री के तौर पर संघ की विचारधारा को फैलाने का काम कर रहे हैं.
                     पिछले साल संघ और अन्य हिंदूत्ववादियों ने भारत सरकार से कहा था कि Compassion International पर भारत में प्रतिबंध लगाओ ताकी गरीब हिंदू लोगों को इसाई बनाने का कारोबार रूके.सरकार भला उनकी बात कैसे टाल सकती थी, सरकार ने इस संगठन को Watchlist में डाल दिया ताकी बाद में इस पर पूर्ण प्रतिबंध लगाया जा सके.पर यहां बीच में कुछ और हो गया.जांच करने पर आप पाएंगे कि यह NGO बकायदा अमेरिका की सरकार द्वारा संरक्षित और प्रचालित है.अब मैं, आप या फिर मोदी जी वह काम कैसे कर सकते हैं तो अमेरिका की सरकार और 'अंतराष्ट्रिय इसाई लॉबी के विपरीत हो.उम्मीद करता हूँ कि आपको बात समझ आई होगी.
नोट - उपरोक्त विचार व्यक्तिगत हैं.आपका असहमत होना सवीकार्य है.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Why Middle East Is Burning

Middle East have become centre of international politics from the early decades of twentieth century.US, NATO and Russia are directly involved in this region's conflicts.Westren countries led by US attack Iraq on the excuse of weapons of mass destruction.US also attack Libya on the excuse of violation of human rights. On other Israel is continuously expending itself on the land of Palestine. Arab Spring have made situation worst.Syria,Iraq and Yemen are completely destroyed and Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other tiny gulf states are passing through sensitive age.
       Everybody want to know that why only middle east is at the centre. If Islam is the cause of this chaos then why large Muslim countries like Indonesia and Kazakhstan are totally peaceful. We can say that Islam is not the cause behind long term warfare in middle east. Here we have to keep this in mind that politics of whole middle east revolves  around Israel or Zionist regime of holy land. From the starting years of twentieth century, Jews starts returning to Palestine from Europe and American and with this chaos in middle east begins.
             Jews were expelled from Palestine in second century by Romans and then they go to various parts of Europe. After discovery of America they starts to moving to  America. In starting days Jews were prohibited in America but letter they were allowed. When Jews come back to Palestine condition were changed. Majority of people was Arab Muslims and Christians. At that time nobody was expecting that Jews will occupy a country which gave shelter to them. In starting days Jews settle in useless areas which were totally desert and  non cultivated. They were well aware that if they will try to occupy Jerusalem they will be whipped out easily. Slowly they starts occupying non populated areas and then they moves to cities and towns. They were aggressively supported by Christian countries of Europe and American. They were also receiving huge funding from Jewish corporates of North America. They buy weapons and starts occupying land of Palestinians by force. They kill many civilians and make Gaza world's largest open air prison. At present only small strip of Gaza and area of west bank is remain for Palestinians. UN and western countries are silently supporting Israel.
          Now Jews are trying to convert Israel into 'Greater Israel'. This greater Israel is country of Jews which is promised to them in their holy books. Area which is situated between Euphrates in Iraq and Nile in Egypt is known as Greater Israel. Jews says that this was their country which was ruled by Prophet Solomon before they were expelled by Romans. Now this are fall under several Muslim countries like Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq. For the creation of Greater Israel this is necessary for Jews to destroy these all Muslim countries and occupy them. When western countries attack Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein, then Idea of Greater Israel was behind this because Saddam was the man who was trying to unite all Muslim countries against this horrific plane of Greater Israel. After the destruction of Iraq their eyes were at Syria and on the name of Arab spring they become successful in their plain to destroy Syria. Now Saudi Arabia is only a barrier in the creation of Greater Israel. Jewish controlled countries and Israel are hesitating into attacking Saudi Arabia directly. They are motivating Iran to attack the Saudi Arabia and finish their master plan.
                                Balkanization of Islamic Middle East is going to resulted in Greater Israel. At present American Jewish diplomats are using westren Christians against Muslims. All media houses are controlled by Zionist Jews and they are using media for spreading hatred and racism against Muslims. Zionists are using every tool to defaming Islam. To achieving their goals they have created some organizations with Islamic names like Al Qaeda and ISIS. These both terrorist organizations are spreading lies about Muslims. With the help of Zionist media they also got success into recruiting Muslims for their terror planes. Many Muslim youths who are not fully educated and who believe on media they have joined these organizations. Zionists are also using these fundamentalist terrorist organisations to spread secretion diversion among Muslims. Al Qaeda and ISIS kill Shias and on other hand Hezbollah and Mehdi Army of Iraq kill Sunnis brutally. These are some examples of use of media and lies to trap Muslims easily.

                                     As soon as Muslims and Christians will become aware of fake propaganda and lies of Zionists, This will be beneficial for them. From long time Zionists are preparing for finale war against these both religions. These people do not recognize Prophet Mohammad [Even he do not know anybody's recognization] and they say that Prophet Jesus Christ was son of a whore [SHAME]. Due to their this thinking you can imagin that how dangerous they are for these both faiths and humanity.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

How Narendra Modi Is Destroying India

Before start reading this article pleas keep this in mind that I am not a congress agent,AAPiya or something like this.I am a common youth of this country who is struggling with poverty,future insecurity and costly education.during election campaign Narendra Modi and his allies make a huge number of fake promises and were trying to assure that NDA government will change the condition of this country in few days, Today is 27 December 2016 and country is in worst situation as compare to these days of 2014 or 13.After some days of election Baba Ramdev and Amit Shah make it clear that Jumlas like "15 Lakh" and "Achhe Din" were only political tools which were used by them to win elections.In his one statement Amit Shah also said that Modi Sarkar need twenty years to change the conditions in India that means four election tenures.This irresponsible attitude of senior officials really sounds bad.
                    A fact you have to keep in mind that development and public service are secondary goals of Modi government.Their first and primary goal is to establish the ideology of RSS and Hindutwa over Secular constitution of India.Making Yoga compulsory in government schools,chanting Bharat Mata ki Jay,Horrific attitude of ABVP in university,Mob lynching of minority personals,distributing certificates of Nationalism and declaring others Anti Nationals are some key workings of this governments.Terror of Gau Rakshaks and Sanskriti Seva Dal are changing this country into a radical state.On various occasions PM and ministers of his cabinet deny their links with such outfits but they cannot refuse that such elements are working freely under ministers and local leaders of BJP.It will not be wonge if anybody says that they are trying to make a Hindu copy of Taliban in India, he will be absolutely right.India is a country of different religions and culture and nobody have right to harm its cultural and social structure on the basis of majority in parliament.Most miserable and dangerous fact of Modi government is that they are using religion as a political tool which is going to give harmful results.As long as this country is secular and communal outfits like RSS are banned from conducting elections we can feel secure but parties like BJP are doing nothing but promoting the ideology of RSS.BJP is working as a shadow of RSS and we all know that constitution of India prohibit RSS to conduct elections due to its communal and Anti India nature.
Other major problem with Modi is that his every decision and Idea is motivated from publicity stunt.As we see in the case of Demonetization, he take this decision without taking RBI officials and Finance ministry in favor. Suddenly he make announcement on TV and he only do this to gain popularity.For PM of a big country like India this attitude is dangerous.When a man only seek for popularity instead of dedication towards his job then this can lead to serious disasters for country and its people.Now outcomes of Demonetization are in front of us and Modi is not ready to accept his fault.Along with this paid trolls and Bhakats of Modi are defending him.Modi is continuously changing his statements about results of demonetization and he is also increasing time limit to implement new economic policies. To defend failure of demonetization Modi make a new excuse, that is cashless.Developed economies like US,UK and China are not cashless but Modi is trying to make effort to make Indian economy cashless, Where half of population is illiterate and below poverty line.
Here we have to keep this in mind that along with all chaos, ghost of 'Cashless' is also haunting common man of India.Modi Bhakats hate China but Modi is himself promoting Paytm who is a sibling of chinese Alibaba group.Common man and villagers are scared of payment without notes.Countries which have a little share of cashless assets in their economies and which provide facility of online payment, have best internet speed and cheap internet prices.South Korea have internet speed of 28Mbps but India have very slow speed and India have also have honor of most costly internet in India.In these unfamiliar situation Modi government is installing cashless economy forcefully. Victory of BJP is a black chapter of Indian politics.Cult following of Modi is against communal harmony of this country. When we listen the name Modi then only one face come into mind who is responsible for mass genocide of 2002. Country like India who consists various cultures cannot perform good under leadership of such person.As soon as we will realize our mistake, this will be beneficial for India.Now pleas do not say to me that you are a congress man.I think congress is also other side of same coin.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Iranian Imperialism In Middle East

Iran is emerged as latest imperialist player in politics of Islamic world. Iran's greed for influence and power in various Muslim countries have created a chaos in middle east. Iran's tussle with Saudi Arabia and as a representative of Shia world have created a dangerous situation.
                                  This is sure that Iran is trying to take over on holy shrines of Makkah and Madina and for making this possible Iran can cross any boundary. Iran is a heavily militarized country as compare to any other country of middle east. It have a working force of 5,30,000 and reserved armed forces of 18,50,000. Iran's missile system is also very much advanced and its many missiles are developed by Russia. A strong navy and air force can help Iran to take over on all Gulf states easily.
                               As compare to Saudi Arabia, Iran have a very aggressive policy towards its all opponents including Afghanistan and Turkey. In also seems true that Iran have hidden ties with Israel.
             Iran is directly involved in Yemen and Syrian wars. Syrian regime forces and Yemenite Houthi rebels are funded by Iran. Some sources have claimed that Iran have also developed Nuclear bombs and he can threat Saudi Arabia at any time. Iran's interests in greater middle east are only for creating disturbances in Sunni countries. For this he is using Shia minorities.
                 1979s revolution was the starting of Iranian imperialism. Iran adopt an Anti Saudi policy and starts funding terrorist outfits like Hezbollah and Mahdi Army of Iraq.
                     During previous years Iran strongly allied himself with Russia and starts playing as Russian agent in region. Russia is also helping Iran from every aspect.
                     Iran's policies for Saudi Arabia and other Arab states are dangerous. Iran have to pay attention on its own matters instead of destabilizing Sunni countries. Coexistence is the method of peace.